Why AC Repair Los Angeles for Your Commercial Establishment Matters

Has the AC at your place of business begun to show its age? Is it “kinda” cool “most of the time,” or some other substandard level of service? The truth is that having an AC unit functioning at its very best is important to just about any kind of Southern California business in any industry for a variety of reasons. Our AC repair in Los Angeles can provide the level of experienced care that your AC unit requires. 

Better for Your Customers 

In the Southern California summer, with temperatures routinely above 90 degrees and climbing, no one wants to enter a place of business and still be hot. Many folks, if they don’t feel a welcoming, refreshing burst of cool air when they enter a commercial establishment will simply turn around and walk out. That’s the last thing you want to have happen. Simply by having a fully functioning AC unit, you can increase your business’s foot traffic. 

Better for Your Employees 

AC is important for your customers and clients, yes, but it’s even more important for your employees. After all, they’re the ones who are expected to work in your place of business all day. They’re far, far less likely to be as productive as they could be if they’re sweating, uncomfortable, or worse. AC in Southern California is more than something “comfortable,” it can be an actual health necessity. In a very real way, having a functioning AC unit in your palace of business is protecting your investment in your company, giving your employees what they need to be as successful as they can be. 

Better for Electronics and Security 

If you’re like many of the Southern California businesses that we’ve worked with in the past, there are plenty of items in your place of business that require cool, manageable temperatures. Computers, servers, and other kinds of electronics – if they aren’t kept cool, then they won’t be able to work. If they can’t work, then neither can your company. 

Peace of Mind 

Many business owners don’t realize what a toll not having functioning AC can take on a place of business. When the AC doesn’t work, employees open windows, bringing in noise and distraction. They turn on fans which bring noise and distraction. We repair AC units so that they run as silently as they ever did, providing upgrades if necessary. 

AC Repair In Los Angeles for All 

It’s important to note that you don’t need to run a place of business to have the best AC. Indeed, here at American Cool and Heat, we provide top-notch services to commercial establishments as well as residences. Moreover, we have done so for many years. Whether you have the most cutting-edge AC unit or one from long ago, our experienced pros have most likely worked on it in the past and can now put that experience to work for you. To see how we can help, message us through our site or call us. 

AC Repair In Los Angeles

Emergency AC Repair in Los Angeles: Your Guide to Fast Relief

Experiencing a sudden breakdown of your air conditioning system during a scorching heatwave in Los Angeles can be a nightmare. The unbearable heat can make your life extremely uncomfortable, and you may need urgent assistance. In such situations, you can rely on American Cool and Heat for prompt and dependable emergency services for AC repair in Los Angeles region. 

Our trained team of experts in AC and Heating Services understands our clients’ priority is experiencing clean and healthy air daily while lowering their expenses and saving money. When emergencies arise, we can quickly handle the situation’s urgency and provide top-notch solutions to restore your comfort and peace of mind.

When to Call for Emergency AC Service

Dealing with a malfunctioning air conditioning system can be a frustrating experience, but certain circumstances demand urgent attention. Ignoring these situations can lead to more severe issues and even put your safety at risk. Therefore, it is crucial to seek immediate assistance to prevent further damage or potential hazards.

  • Complete System Failure: No air circulation can lead to immediate discomfort and pose health risks, particularly during extreme heat.
  • Electrical Issues: When you notice an unusual burning smell or malfunctioning components in any electrical or mechanical device, it can lead to a potentially dangerous situation as they can pose a fire hazard. Hence, it’s crucial to take immediate action to prevent potential risks and ensure that the device is thoroughly inspected and repaired.
  • Large Leaks: If your refrigeration system leaks refrigerant, it could lead to costly repair bills. Moreover, it could signify severe damage to the system that needs immediate attention. It is essential to have a professional technician inspect and repair the system to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of the appliance.

Finding the Right Emergency AC Repair in Los Angeles

  • Availability: Look for high-quality service, reliability, and availability.
  • Reputation: Check reviews and choose a trustworthy company known for speedy response.
  • Expertise: Ensure the company can handle your type of AC system.

What to Expect During an Emergency AC Visit

Rest assured that our top priority is to restore your air conditioning system to its optimal functionality as soon as possible. Our team of highly skilled technicians will thoroughly diagnose the issue at hand, followed by a transparent pricing discussion with you. We will then work tirelessly to implement a robust, long-lasting solution that meets your needs and requirements.

AC Repair Los Angeles

Do Not Fret, We Are Here To Help

If your air conditioning system suddenly stops working and you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation in Los Angeles, there’s no need to panic! You can rely on the prompt and professional services of American Cool and Heat to restore the comfort of your home right away. Contact us immediately for emergency AC repair in Los Angeles, and we’ll get your system up and running quickly.

The Risks of Doing an AC Repair Yourself

If you have an aging air conditioning unit in your home that has been working for years, it is very likely that you are going to run into problems with its functionality at some point. There is nothing worse than realizing that you aren’t getting the cool air across your rooms that you should be feeling. And also, when you check things out to find that your AC unit needs some care and attention. You might be tempted to try doing the repair yourself to either save money or you might think it’s easy but there are so many things that could go wrong!  The one thing that we are always going to tell you “Is that it is absolutely better to call the professionals”. With this in mind, here are some of the main risks of doing an AC repair.

AC Repair Take Longer Than You Think

A lot of people set out to try to fix their air conditioning thinking that it will be a quick job that can be done and dusted in no time, that is usually the case. The last thing you want to do is start a DIY job that you will soon realize you cannot finish because at the end of the day leaving the unit half open and unassembled is probably going to end up making the issue worse! If you need a handful of different components in order to be able to repair the unit for yourself, then be mindful of the amount because it could end up being more expensive to collect the individual parts than simply getting a professional to do the job instead. A repair professional will come equipped with all of the parts, and their fee will have these parts included. It can also be very dangerous to fix air conditioning, you might have to start messing around with electrics in your home, and this is a really dangerous idea for somebody who does not have any training or experience in the field. Along with the electrics, there is also the factor of refrigerant, which is odorless and tasteless but can be incredibly dangerous if it comes into contact with your lungs.

AC Repair

It Could Affect Your Warranty to your AC Repair

If you attempt to fix your AC unit on your own and it goes wrong, it could affect the terms of your warranty. Most warranties are nullified if it is found that you have tampered with the system and created a bigger problem. For this reason alone, you should always rely on professionals to examine and diagnose.

So, if you should find yourself in need of AC repair at your property, please remember what we have said and opt to call ACAH – HQ Glendale – American Cool And Heat rather than trying to do anything yourself! If you don’t want to run the risk of making the problem a more serious and more expensive one, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team, they will be ready and waiting to help you!

Unusual Smell Coming from Your AC

An AC repair in Los Angeles is necessary. Your AC may need it once in a while. But you don’t need it often if it’s regularly maintained. However, there are signs you must be aware of so you can call an AC specialist to check on the unit before it’s too late. One of those signs is an unusual smell. Of course, you won’t know that the smell is coming from your AC unit. It can be coming from other parts of your house. However, if you smell as if there’s an internal combustion engine in your house, then it’s a sure sign it’s from your air conditioning unit. It’s a serious sign that you need to call an AC repair team.

Smells Like a Running Car Exhaust Needs an AC Repair in Los Angeles

Because your air conditioning isn’t running on an internal combustion engine, it should not produce a smell like running car exhaust. But because your AC uses fluids, it can sometimes smell like exhaust fumes. And if that happens, you may need to hire a professional to check on it and repair it if necessary.

AC repair Los Angeles

A Refrigerant Issue

Typically, if you smell an exhaust fume from your AC, it can be caused by a refrigerant leak. It gives you cool air. If it leaks, it can negatively affect your AC’s performance. But that’s not the only issue you need to face. It can leak hazardous chemicals too.

One of the most commonly used refrigerants is freon. It absorbs heat from the indoor air before releasing it outside. But if it leaks out, it can be dangerous to the environment. For that reason, you must contact an AC repair specialist to fix the leak.

Smells Like Burning Gunpowder

If your air conditioner starts to smell like burning plastic or gunpowder, it can mean that one of the unit’s components is burning. This is a serious issue and you need to call an AC repair specialist immediately. But first, you need to turn off the AC.

However, it may not be the wire is burning. Rather, it can be that dust settles in the unit after a period of inactivity. When you turn the unit on, the dust burns off, thereby, emitting a bad smell. This situation is temporary. The smell should be gone after a few seconds or minutes. If not, you need to call our AC repair specialist right away.

Rotten Egg Smell

Believe us when we say you don’t want to experience your AC emitting a foul, rotten egg smell. One reason for this issue is that there are dead insects stuck in the AC. These dying animals or insects can release an unpleasant smell. This is temporary. You just need to eliminate the culprit and the smell should be gone. But what if it doesn’t? What if you continue to smell rotten eggs coming from your AC? If that’s the case, you need to call our AC repair in Los Angeles to look into this matter. Schedule an appointment today at (818) 722-8634.

This Summer, Let Our Air Conditioning Repair in Burbank Help You

When faced with a fault air conditioning unit you have two options. One, you can beat the heat, but that’s probably going to be very annoying. Two, you can call our service for air conditioning repair in Burbank.

Repairing Your AC Unit

The importance of your air conditioning unit here in Burbank cannot be overstated. Right now, in the middle of summer, this need is as obvious as ever. It’s this same necessity that often can sabotage our units. We put them through a lot year-round, but especially during the hotter months of the year. Because of this, it’s often no surprise that one day our unit simply gives in and stops working. When this happens, don’t worry. Our team can be there as soon as possible to take care of the issue before it starts getting too hot in your home. Air conditioning units can be very delicate pieces of equipment, so it’s important for them to receive the right attention when they’re giving you trouble. Don’t try to fix them yourself, or else you might end up with a worse repair than before.

Replacing Your Unit if Needed

Our team will always make sure that we do our best to fix your air conditioning unit. However, there are going to be times in which repairs are either not possible or not worth it. After a certain time, AC units can start to show signs of wear and tear, especially if they didn’t receive proper maintenance every so often. This is when you will end up with broken units that either can’t be repaired or would require a lot of money to do so. That’s when you can use the five-thousand rule to determine whether or not further investment on the same unit is worth it. If you multiply the age of your AC unit by the repair cost, it shouldn’t add up to more than five thousand. That can help you make your decision.

Keep the Unit its Best

However, if your unit can be repaired, it will be good for you to keep it working well going forward. What does this mean? Well, you should consider having it undergo regular maintenance so that it’s always kept at its best. Not only will this be cheaper than having it undergo repairs later on, but it will also serve as a way to protect your initial investment and extend the life of your unit. Maintenance can help spot potential problems before they actually become a problem, making sure you don’t have to worry about expensive repairs for your unit farther down the line.

Air Conditioning Repair in Burbank

Whether your unit needs repairs or maintenance, you can always rely on the team here at American Cool and Heat to take care of the issue accordingly and make sure you continue to enjoy the air conditioner that you need. We have a few hot months ahead of us, so it’s best if you have the right support should anything happen to your unit. Just give us a call at (818) 722-8634 and we’ll be there to take care of the issue.