Beat the Heat: Your Guide to Surviving Summer with a Reliable AC

As the summer sun beats down, keeping cool becomes a top priority for many. A well-functioning air conditioning system can make all the difference between sweltering discomfort and refreshing relief. Here’s your comprehensive guide on how to survive the heat this summer by ensuring your AC is working at its best.

1. Schedule a Pre-Season Maintenance Check

Before the summer heat kicks into full gear, schedule a maintenance check for your AC system. A professional technician can inspect and tune up your unit, ensuring it’s operating efficiently and identifying any potential issues before they escalate into major problems.

2. Keep Your Filters Clean

Clean air filters are essential for maintaining proper airflow and maximizing your AC’s efficiency. Check your filters regularly and replace them as needed, typically every one to three months. Clogged filters can restrict airflow, making your system work harder and driving up energy costs.

3. Seal Leaks and Insulate

To keep cool air in and hot air out, ensure your home is properly sealed and insulated. Seal any gaps around doors, windows, and ductwork to prevent cool air from escaping and warm air from infiltrating your living space. Adequate insulation can also help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature while reducing your reliance on your AC.

4. Use Fans to Supplement Cooling

Ceiling fans and portable fans can help distribute cool air more effectively throughout your home, allowing you to set your thermostat higher without sacrificing comfort. Using fans in conjunction with your AC can help lower energy costs while keeping you cool and comfortable.

5. Optimize Your Thermostat Settings

Set your thermostat to the highest comfortable temperature to reduce energy consumption without compromising comfort. Consider investing in a programmable thermostat that allows you to adjust temperatures based on your schedule, automatically lowering temperatures when you’re home and raising them when you’re away.

6. Block Out the Sun

Direct sunlight can significantly heat up your home, causing your AC to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. Keep blinds, curtains, or shades closed during the hottest parts of the day to block out sunlight and reduce heat gain.

7. Limit Heat-Generating Activities

Appliances such as ovens, stoves, and clothes dryers generate heat that can raise the temperature in your home. To minimize heat buildup, avoid using these appliances during the hottest parts of the day or opt for alternatives such as grilling outdoors or air-drying clothes.

8. Stay Hydrated and Dress Appropriately

In addition to keeping your home cool, it’s essential to stay hydrated and dress appropriately for the heat. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially if you’re spending time outdoors, and wear lightweight, breathable clothing to help your body stay cool.

9. Plan for Emergency Cooling

Despite your best efforts, unexpected AC breakdowns can occur. Have a plan in place for staying cool during emergencies, such as identifying cool spots in your home or having access to portable AC units or fans.

10. Invest in Professional Repairs When Needed

If you notice any signs of AC trouble, such as reduced airflow, strange noises, or warm air blowing from your vents, don’t hesitate to call in a professional for repairs. Prompt attention to issues can prevent further damage and ensure your AC continues to keep you cool all summer long.

By following these tips and ensuring your AC is in top working condition, you can beat the heat and enjoy a comfortable and refreshing summer season.

Keep Your Home Cool This Summer with Reliable Air Condition Repair in Los Angeles

Summer is the season of fun, but it’s also the season of unbearable heat waves. As the temperature soars, the last thing you want is a poorly functioning air conditioning system in your home. Even the smallest issue can lead to uncomfortable living conditions, which makes it essential to have a reliable HVAC repair company on speed dial. In Los Angeles, there is no shortage of repair companies, but finding a reliable one can be overwhelming. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why it’s essential to hire a trustworthy HVAC repair company to assist with any air conditioner repair in Los Angeles you may need and how you can benefit from their excellent services.

Trustworthy Services

When it comes to HVAC repair services, you want to work with a company that you can trust. A trustworthy HVAC repair company will ensure that your AC system is repaired correctly the first time around. They will also provide you with a full report of the work done, including any potential future issues that you need to know about. A reliable repair company will always have your best interest at heart and will be keen on providing you with top-notch services. You can trust that their team of experts will provide you with the best AC repair services possible.

Extensive Experience

HVAC repair requires years of training and experience to master. A reputable repair company will have licensed and experienced technicians who can handle any HVAC issue. They will have the necessary tools and equipment to diagnose your air conditioning system problem and repair it accordingly. Experienced technicians can guarantee that your AC will work efficiently for the foreseeable future. When looking for an HVAC repair company in Los Angeles, ask about the team’s level of expertise before hiring their services.

Affordable Services

Heating and air conditioning repair in Los Angeles can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. A trustworthy repair company will provide you with a detailed quote that outlines all the costs of the repair. They will also inform you of any additional costs that may arise during the repair process. With this transparency, you can make informed decisions about your AC repair services comfortably. A good HVAC repair company will work with you and find affordable and practical solutions to fix your AC system within your budget.

Regular Maintenance Programs

Reputable HVAC repair companies understand the importance of keeping your AC system maintained regularly. They offer regular maintenance programs to identify issues before they become more significant problems. They will also advise you on how to use your AC system most efficiently, saving you money on electricity bills. Regular maintenance services can keep your AC system working correctly for an extended period, preventing the need for frequent repairs.

Fast Service

HVAC emergencies can happen when you least expect them and can be unbearable during the hot summer months. A trustworthy HVAC repair company will provide you with fast service. They understand that these issues require fast attention. With their fast service, you can rest assured that you’ll get the help you need.

 Air Condition Repair in Los Angeles

Air Condition Repair in Los Angeles at Your Reach

Hiring a reliable HVAC repair company can make a world of difference in keeping your home cool and comfortable during the hot summer months. With their expertise, experience, and regular maintenance programs, they can keep your air conditioning system working efficiently for an extended period. They also provide affordable services, guaranteeing that you’ll get value for every dollar spent. The next time you need heating and air conditioning repair in Los Angeles, be sure to hire an experienced and trustworthy company that provides fast service. You’ll be glad you did!

AC Remote Not Working: Can We Fix It?

As you’re sweating inside your Santa Clarita home, you reach for the remote and press the on button. But nothing happens. There’s no beeping sound from the AC. Is your AC remote the problem or the AC unit? Sadly, the majority of the time, it’s your AC remote that’s acting up. In that case, you don’t need an air conditioner repair in Santa Clarita.

Can We Repair AC Remote?

Of course, we can. Anything related to your air conditioning can be fixed by our American Clean Air and Heating Staff. It’s the reason we’re the top-rated AC repair company in Santa Clarita. Regardless of how big or small the problem with your AC is, you can count on us to fix it. When you choose us, you get a professional service and a free quote, among others.

Air Conditioner Repair Santa Clarita

Do You Need an Air Condition Repair in Santa Clarita for a Broken AC Remote?

If you have figured out that the reason your AC is not turning on is that your AC remote doesn’t work, you don’t have to call an air condition repair specialist. The most common problem the AC remote doesn’t work is that the batteries need replacement. If it has been a long time since you replace them, then you would need to discard the old ones and replace them with new batteries.

If replacing them doesn’t work, you should ensure that you have inserted the batteries properly. That is you have inserted them according to their polarities as instructed in the chamber.

When to Call the AC Repair Technicians?

If you have tried replacing the batteries and cleaned the remote, it might be time to call in the experts. It could be that the remote’s sensor is malfunctioning. The sensor is found at the tip of the device to send signals to the interface of the AC unit. If that sensor is squashed, it can damage the sensor. Don’t worry it’s fixable. Our AC repair team will be here to help you.

On the other hand, if your AC remote starts working properly but your air conditioning unit doesn’t give you the cool air that you want, then it’s time to call in the experts. Warm air is one of the reasons we visit our clients’ buildings or homes because their units are blowing warm air.

Warm Air Coming Out of the Vents

It’s a common issue. But before you call in experts, make sure to check the thermostat. It must be switched to cooling mode. That is, you need to set it to a lower temperature than your house’s current temperature. However, if it still blows warm air, it can be a compressor issue. You can’t fix it on your own. Instead, you need to call our American Clean Air and Heating team.

Let the Pros Fix It

No matter how small or big the issue with your AC is, you need to consult with our AC specialists. DIY fixes do not always resolve the issue. Keep in mind that your home’s cooling system is complex. It needs the expert hands of our technicians. Call us today to get a free estimate for air condition repair in Santa Clarita: (818) 722-8634.

Air Condition Repair in Santa Clarita Outlines Three Common AC Mistakes

An air conditioning unit is a key part of any home in Southern California, especially now that summer is in full swing. However, these units sometimes fail us right when we need them the most, and our service for air condition repair in Santa Clarita wants to help you avoid that. Here are some common mistakes people make that prematurely damage AC units.

Not Changing the Air Filter

One of the most important things you should do if you want your air conditioner to live up to its full expected lifespan is changing the air filter. This is not just there to better maintain the indoor air quality, but to protect the interior components of the air conditioner from any debris, dirt, or dust that could potentially damage it. Not only that, but it can also have hazardous effects on your allergies and have severe respiratory effects. As soon as you start to notice that the air around your AC unit feels somewhat dusty, be sure to change the air filter. Do it, not just for your unit, but for your own health. 

Sloppy Repairs

Another surefire way to shorten your air conditioner’s lifespan will be by way of sloppy repairs. These can, after all, threaten the integrity of what tend to be fairly fragile mechanisms. If you try your own hand at fixing an air conditioner, for example, your lack of experience with these specific pieces could potentially result in further damages. Even if you seem to have fixed the problem at the moment, you might have actually created another problem for the future. Because of this, it’s always best to have an expert take a look at the problem your unit is having so that they can take care of it accordingly and without damaging the unit any further.

Skipping Maintenance

Now, if anything is bound to sabotage your air conditioner in the long run it’s a lack of maintenance. Like your car, your air conditioning unit is a delicate piece of machinery that is put through quite a lot of use. Because of this, it’s very important to have it undergo proper maintenance every so often. By way of maintenance, the unit will receive a refresher in its performance, having it run more smoothly and allowing problems to be spotted before they become serious issues. Maintenance will extend the life of your AC unit and keep you from having to pay for extensive repairs down the line, so remember to arrange for it on a regular basis.

Air Condition Repair in Santa Clarita

Like we said before, it’s important to always have the experts take a look at your air conditioning unit in order to protect it from potential damage and extend its lifespan as much as possible. If your unit is starting to give you trouble, go ahead and reach out to our team here at American Cool and Heat. We are ready to take a look and figure out what exactly it is that it needs in order to work properly. For more information or to get a free estimate, give us a call at (818) 722-8634 and we’ll get started.

The Perks of Smart AC Installation in Los Angeles

More and more people are switching to smart thermostats and you might be wondering why that is. Is it just because they look fancy? Is it because they’re the latest trend? No, it’s actually because they can significantly improve upon your experience with air conditioning. This is why our service for AC installation in Los Angeles recommends using air conditioning.

More Precise Air Conditioning

At the time of making use of your air conditioning, precision will be very important. After all, if you are controlling the temperature of your home, there are probably very specific settings that you are looking for. Conventional AC systems tend to be rather imprecise and skewed with their results. Sure, the display might say the current temperature is at seventy degrees, but it definitely doesn’t feel like that. When you use smart thermostats, these integrate the system in such a way that it actually gives you the temperature that you are looking for with the precision and accuracy that you are looking for. Not only that, but these also allow you to set up specific temperatures for specific times of the day, giving you the opportunity to arrive at a cool home without having to leave on the AC all day.

AC installation in Los Angeles

Lower Air Conditioner Costs

This setting that lets you schedule your HVAC system as desired isn’t just convenient. It’s also a great way to save money every month. The problem with traditional thermostats is that if you don’t want your home to overheat while you are at work, you have to leave the AC on all day. This not only puts a lot of strain on the system, but it also results in unnecessarily high utility costs. By having the opportunity to adjust the temperature according to your own schedule, a smart thermostat can keep your home at the ideal temperature when you need it to. This way, you can enjoy the right temperature, lower your utility bill, and get a better AC service by not pushing your system that much.

Diagnosing Problems with Your AC

It is not uncommon for problems with traditional thermostats and AC systems to remain undiagnosed for a while. After all, these systems are not ideally integrated, which makes issues harder to spot on your own. Smart thermostats, on the other hand, can quickly spot problems within the system and let you know about them. With their help, you are not wasting energy and money on running a system that is not working properly and you can quickly contact an AC repair service that can take a look at it and fix the issue accordingly. By seeking services for smart AC installation in Los Angeles, you will no longer have to guess whether or not your AC system is a few degrees off or not.

AC Installation in Los Angeles

Whether you want to install a smart thermostat in your home or are looking for something more traditional, we can help. American Clean Air & Heating is an outstanding service for AC installation in Los Angeles. Our team can help you by providing you with AC installation, repair, and maintenance services all across the area. Just give us a call at (818) 722-8634 and we’ll be right there to help.

Air Conditioning Service in Los Angeles Repairs Your AC or Installs a New One

Few things are as important to the comfort of our daily life in Los Angeles as air conditioning. After all, we all know how hot it can get and how much we rely on this to keep us cool and fresh in our homes. If you don’t have a proper AC unit or the one you have is acting up, you might be in need of our air conditioning service in Los Angeles. Here’s what we can do for you.

Installing a New Air Conditioning System

A common problem in a lot of older apartment buildings, houses, and commercial locales is that they don’t have any sort of air conditioner system. When this happens, new tenants and owners will tend to resign themselves to using fans and open windows to keep the place cool during the summer. However, they soon find that this isn’t either practical or effective. That’s why we at American Clean Air and Heating provide optimal installation services for homes and locales without any sort of air conditioning. After all, you just can’t live in Los Angeles without some form or AC, right? Regardless of the kind of unit that you need, we can help you find the right one for you without straying away from your budget.

air conditioning service in Los Angeles

Repairing Faulty Air Conditioners

Maybe you already have an air conditioning unit but it’s beginning to act up. Perhaps it’s been too long since it received any sort of maintenance. If your air conditioner unit is no longer working properly, then we can help you out. If you are fearing this will cost you a lot of money, don’t worry. There are a lot of reasons behind a unit acting up. Some might just require a quick clean up or a new cable. Others might be a bit more complicated. Regardless of what it is, our team is ready to do whatever it takes to make sure your unit goes back to normal as soon as possible.

Performing Air Conditioning Maintenance

A lot of people just assume their air conditioning unit is running perfectly and don’t touch it for a few years. Suddenly, it stops working and they find out they have to replace the whole thing. In order to prevent this sort of thing from happening and having to deal with the often exorbitant costs of replacing and installing a whole air conditioning system, it’s always good to think about maintenance. Routine AC maintenance is a good way of protecting your investment and ensuring optimal long-term performance. After all, it’s less expensive to get maintenance once a year than to replace the whole thing every three. Maintenance is a key part of our air conditioning service in Los Angeles.

AC Service in Los Angeles 

Whether you need a cable replacement or an entirely new unit, you can count on our team at American Clean Air & Heating. We will take care of just about any unfortunate occurrences with your HVAC system or gladly install a new one. Give us a call at (818) 722-8634 and we’ll be sure to be there when you need us to.

Find An AC Service Near Me that is Fast and Reliable

Though there are plenty of AC repair and installation services that will eventually get the job done for you, what you really need is a company you can rely on. American Cool and Heat is a company you can rely on, with decades of experience working in Los Angeles and all over California. American Cool and Heat does more than just repair air conditioning units; they do it quickly, professionally, and perfectly so you never have to worry about wasting your money on temporary repairs when you urge on getting an ‘AC Service Near Me’.

An AC Service Near Me

Common Air Conditioning Troubles

Though some air conditioning problems can probably be identified by you, the home or business owner, many problems actually have underlying core problems that require the oversight of a professional. Air conditioning units can malfunction or stop working for any number of reasons, with regular wear and tear, age, and sudden unexpected accidents all impacting the longevity of your unit. Here are some common problems you may have with your AC unit that American Cool and Heat can address:

  • Burned out/malfunctioning transformer
  • Burned wires
  • Weak or malfunctioning breaker
  • A grounded compressor
  • Shorted motors
  • Defective contactor
  • Lack of power to the unit itself
  • Defective thermostat
  • Water or liquid problems
  • Electrical wiring malfunctions

What Makes American Cool and Heat so Reliable?

Unlike some companies, intent on charging you high rates, no job is started at American Cool and Heat without the customer first receiving an estimate. American Cool and Heat establishes everything upfront, so you never feel taken advantage of or stuck with a company that is only interested in your money. 

When you schedule repairs with American Cool and Heat, their teams of professionals arrive on time, ready to work, and get their work done in a timely manner. No dawdling or shortcuts, your AC repair will be done right the first time. Part of being a reliable repair service means producing excellent results, which is exactly what you get with American Cool and Heat. No need to worry that your repairs will only last a few months; with ongoing maintenance and professional service every time, choosing American Cool and Heat for your AC repairs can help you save money, time, and your AC unit. 

And ‘AC Service Near Me’ That is Always There for You

Next time you ask ‘what’s the most reliable AC service near me?’ look no further than American Cool and Heat. Visit their site today or give them a call at (818) 722-8634 to set up a consultation.

How to Create Better Air Quality in Your Home

Your home is an investment. You pay a monthly mortgage, utility bills, and other costs. It’s a place that you can call your own and provides you with security and peace of mind. You should feel comfortable in your home and that could be hindered by bad air quality. Moving inside from outdoors can invite pollen and other debris that can hamper the quality of your air. Bad air can affect the quality of your sleep, your health, and your overall happiness. So what are some easy ways to ensure that your home’s air quality is doing well?

Is Your Home is Well Ventilated?

If you want to go the natural way during the summer months you can open your windows and doors (with screens on!) to get some fresh summer breezes flowing through your home. Be sure to check the pollen level before doing so because those of us that are symptomatic to pollen might end up suffering! You can also promote healthy indoor airflow and quality by making sure your HVAC system has good intake.

Air Quality

Monitor Your Home’s Humidity

If you want to prevent any possible mold build-up you should have a humidity level that is between 30 and 50 percent. You may need to purchase a dehumidifier for your home but it can help to deter mold spores which can cause illness.

Try an Air Purifier

Pollen. Pet hair, dust mites, and many other debris particles can make their way into your furniture, carpet and other fabrics of your home. An air purifier will work to remove those particles from your home’s air. It can also help with asthma and allergy problems that you may be experiencing due to poor air quality.

Bring Your Outdoors Inside

If you want to improve the quality of your homes air and the oxygen content you may do so by inviting some houseplants into your home. Not only are they great to look at and add warmth they also will help with your air. However, be wary of plants that might cause your house pets harm. Certain species of plants can be harmful to cats and dogs if ingested.

Stop Smoking

Not as many people are smoking these days as they were 10 or even 25 years ago. However, if you still smoke in your home you could be inviting thousands of dangerous chemicals to stick to your walls. This includes carcinogens that create unsightly stains on your paint and foul odor in your home that becomes harder to detect by someone who lives there.

Don’t use Aerosols

Aerosols can be dangerous for your home as they can be inhaled by your family and lead to sickness. They can also cause skin irritation and in some case trigger heart problems in people.

Maintain Your HVAC System

One of the best ways to maintain great air quality is by having the right HVAC service. You should have it professionally inspected and cleaned yearly. If you would like to set up an inspection you can call the team at American Cool and Heat to schedule a date and time that works best for you 818-722-8634.

Easy Tips to Keep Your AC Running Smoothly

Your heating and cooling bill can take a chunk of your overall expenses every year. Using your air conditioner should mean using a machine that’s doing its best to keep your bills down. With summer cooling your cooling costs may rise slightly. So what are some ways that you can keep your bill down this summer as well as extend the life of your HVAC unit?

Clean Around Your Condenser Unit

Cleaning your air conditioner unit with be one of the most effective ways of clearing away any excess debris or dirt. If you aren’t sure how to clean it you can always hire a professional HVAC technician to do the job for you. They can also inspect your unit to be sure that its in proper working condition.

Vacuum Your  Indoor AC Vents and be sure Keep Them Unblocked

You should inspect your unit and vacuum away dust and other dirt from your indoor unit’s vents. It can help to maintain steady, cool airflow from your vents and the entire system. You should also keep blinds, furniture, and other items away from your vent to ensure it isn’t blocking airflow.

Turn up Your Thermostat

Sacrificing 5 to 8 degrees can add a lot of life to your unit and save your bills too. If you are working to cool your home you can give your unit a little relief by turning up the thermostat. Turning things up a few degrees can not only be helpful to your unit but also shouldn’t cause your home to become too warm.

Keep Curtains and/or Blinds Closed

Pulling your curtains closed or shutting the blinds can allow you home to block the heat from outside. When the sun has a chance to make it through your windows it can cause a very noticeable change in the temperature of your home.

Insulate Any Exposed Ductwork

If your ductwork has been properly sealed you shouldn’t have to worry about this step. You should have your HVAC and ductwork inspected often to ensure that there aren’t any major leaks. For exposed ductwork, you can easily apt a little duct tape. However, you may likely need a professional to fix any major leaks that tape won’t solve.

Regular Inspections

One of the best ways to ensure that your unit is working correctly is to have it professionally inspected and cleaned when seasons change. Having your HVAC inspected will be sure that it is running the best it can. It’s also a great time to address any dirt or debris that could be affecting your airflow and quality.

If you would like to schedule an inspection for your HVAC unit you can call the team at American Cool and Heat. We work on commercial and residential HVAC units and are #1 rated central ac repair company in Los Angeles. We can handle your heating unit as well and can provide routine maintenance. Call us today to schedule your inspection for a time and date that works best for you. 818-722-8634.

Be Prepared and Get Air Condition Repair in West Hollywood Now

You have heard the old Boy Scout motto of “Be Prepared” many times in your life. While you may take the idea with a grain of salt, there is a lot of truth behind the statement, especially when it comes to getting your home ready for the coming months. When you live in the Los Angeles area, there is never a wrong time to think about how the air conditioning in your home is working. You always want to be sure your system is at its best so that when you know you will need to use for days on end, it will be there for you. That is why being a proactive homeowner is a good thing for you, why being prepared and getting air condition repair in West Hollywood now can help save you from aggravation later on.

Staying Ahead of the Repair Rush

Let’s face it – you know there are going to be times as summer gets closer where there will be many other homeowners in the same boat as you, having AC problems and trying to get a hold of repair service for help. Service companies can get stretched thin once the late spring months come along, and you may find that getting an appointment with anyone can leave you for days without any AC in your home at all, making you and your family cranky and uncomfortable. You can stay ahead of the rush and get potential problems taken care of now while the work may still be slow and services can get to you right away.
Be Prepared and Get Air Condition Repair in West Hollywood Now

Catching a Repair Early On

Being prepared and calling for air condition repair in West Hollywood can save you from more expensive repair work later. Very often small problems that are caught just as they developed or started can get taken care of efficiently and without costing you a fortune. Issues that are allowed to carry on for weeks or months while your system stays in use can cause undue wear and tear on the system, leading to worse breakdowns that can cost you time, money, and aggravation.

Repair Work from the Experts

At American Clean Air and Heating, we can offer you the air condition repair in West Hollywood that you need so the job gets done well for you. We are the leading AC repair company in the Los Angeles area and have helped thousands of customers over the years with repairs, maintenance, and installation of systems. Phone our office today so you can set up an appointment with us. You can reach us at 818-722-8634, and we will get to you as soon as we can to repair your system and keep your AC at its best. If you want to send us a message or you have questions that you would like to ask, please send us a message using our online contact form, and a member of our friendly staff will get back to you.