Do You Experience These Issues with Your Furnace?

Your furnace will encounter some issues throughout its lifespan. Some of them are minor while others require a furnace service in Los Angeles to resolve the problem. You may delay in fixing the problems but when the weather gets cold, your furnace won’t be there to give your home a comfortable temperature. Thus, when an issue arises, make sure to call an HVAC expert to schedule repair ASAP.

What are the Signs that Your System Needs Furnace Service in Los Angeles?

Insufficient Heat

The most obvious sign that you need a furnace service is that it’s not producing enough heat even though with proper thermostat settings. You should immediately call your preferred HVAC company to schedule repairs. One of the reasons for inadequate heat is leaking ductwork. Leaks cause treated air to escape.

Furnace Service Los Angeles

Carbon Monoxide Detector Goes Off

A carbon monoxide detector is attached to your furnace to detect the presence of this toxic gas. If it goes off, it can mean that this toxic gas has escaped from the container and it’s now present in the indoor air. For that reason, you must turn it off immediately. Then, make sure to ventilate your home by opening the windows. Contact an HVAC contractor to determine the source of the gas.

Unusual Smells

When you turn on your furnace for the first time in a year, it can smell like fuel. However, this odor dissipates after a few seconds. But if the smell doesn’t go away or if it appears suddenly, it’s a sign you have a furnace issue that must be addressed by an HVAC technician. There are several reasons for this issue to occur. It can be a gas leak or excessive dust in the unit. The only person who can determine the cause is an HVAC professional.

Persistent Noise

It’s true that when a furnace operates, you may hear a noise that comes out of it. However, the noise isn’t that loud. And if you’re hearing a loud, persistent noise coming from the furnace, it’s an indication that the furnace is facing a serious problem. Call an HVAC contractor right away. During the inspection, describe the sound you hear to the contractor. If it’s a squealing noise, it can be a fan issue. A banging sound may indicate a broken component.

Poor Air Quality

The heating system in your house can directly affect the quality of air in your home. If the system is poorly maintained, it distributes dirt, bacteria, and other foreign elements throughout your home. Thus, if you notice dust in the air and you experience frequent colds and coughs, then they are signs the air quality in your house is poor. This problem may be resolved by replacing the filter. But in more serious issues, the ductwork may require professional cleaning.

Repair Your Furnace Today

Don’t wait for too long before you call a furnace service in Los Angeles. Schedule your repair today at (818) 722-8634.