Simple Steps to Prepare Your Furnace and Keep You Warm All Winter

Your furnace can keep you warm throughout winter. However, if you didn’t call a furnace service in Burbank, CA before the cold season comes, your home would feel like you’re in a freezer. Thankfully, there are simple steps you can do to ensure that the heating unit is ready for the wintertime.

Call Furnace Service in Burbank, CA

A furnace service includes a tune-up of your system. It’s a preventive heating service that ensures your house is as warm as possible during the colder season. An HVAC contractor will perform the following:

  • Inspect the vent system
  • Remove blockages
  • Check heat exchanger
  • Examine blower
  • Inspect electrical connections
  • Check the burner
  • Examine belts
  • Inspect thermostat
  • Check air filter, clean and replace it if necessary

These are just some of the things that furnace maintenance involves. But each task is vital to ensure that the heating system will work properly throughout winter.

Furnace Service Burbank CA

Replace Filters

The perfect time to replace indoor air filters is in the fall. However, replacing it is necessary according to the US Department of Energy. It’s an important task to make sure that the heating unit works efficiently. There are replacement filters at your local hardware. However, make sure that the filter is the same size as your current filter. Never use a filter that won’t fit properly in your system. Otherwise, you’ll only damage the entire system.

Here are the ways you can do to ensure you’re installing the proper air filter:

  • Filter. Look at the label of your existing filter and check the measurements.
  • MERV rating. The filter’s efficiency rating is known as the MERV rating. The higher the MERV number is, the better filtration it provides. However, too high a MERV filter can make your furnace and AC system work harder. The reason for this is that higher MERV means the air is more restricted causing the system to work harder. Thus, make sure to choose a filter with the right balance of airflow, energy efficiency, and air filtration.

Test the Furnace

Before the cold hits, make sure to test the furnace first. When you turn it on, listen to it. Does it produce abnormal sounds? Do you hear banging or rattling? If you do, then it’s a sign that something is wrong with the furnace. You should also check the thermostat. It makes sure that the unit is doing its job properly.

Remove the Clutter

Some objects in your house can cause a potential fire hazard when they are found near the heating unit. Make sure to remove them before you turn on your heating system. You should also test your carbon monoxide detector. It can detect CO leaks, which can be fatal.

Contact HVAC Contractor

Furnace service in Burbank, CA can make your system runs worry-free throughout the wintertime. Call us today to schedule your maintenance: (818) 722-8634