Tips to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Leaks in Your Heating System

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas. This gas is found in any Glendale heating system. It can be deadly if you inhale it. That’s why there are carbon monoxide detectors in place to detect it right away. For this gas to make its way to your Glendale home is through a leak in your heating system. Thankfully, there are ways to prevent it from happening.

What are the Ways to Prevent Leaks in Your Heating System in Glendale?

Annual Maintenance

There are regular maintenance procedures that you can do on your own. However, you still need to hire an HVAC contractor to perform yearly maintenance on your heating system. A contractor is highly trained to ensure proper cleaning of the furnace. The technician will also check the system for any cracks and leaks.

If the technician finds leaks, a repair must be done immediately. Don’t use your heating system without first addressing the leaks. You should also not attempt to repair the leaks yourself.

Glendale Heating

Install Detectors in Your Home

There are different models of carbon monoxide detectors available on the market. However, you should consider getting a model that can detect even the smallest trace of gas leaks. And when you install it, consider installing a few around your house and not just in one place. The ideal places are near your bedrooms.

Replace Filter Regularly

Carbon monoxide leaks can arise if there’s a backup of airflow in the heating system. This can be easily prevented by changing the air filter regularly. How often you need to change it will depend on how you use the furnace throughout the heating season. It can be every few weeks. You may check the instructions of your heating unit’s manufacturer. Replacing the filter is necessary to prevent leaks and you can breathe easily.

Check the Installation

In some cases, the leaks are the result of incorrect insulation of the heating system. If the blower motor wasn’t installed properly, problems could arise and one of them is venting carbon monoxide. For that reason, it’s always ideal to have the heating system installed by a qualified professional. In that way, the installation is done properly and you won’t face any issues with the system later on.

Avoid Vent-Free Gas Fireplaces

Venting carbon monoxide out of your home may be necessary so that none of the gas enters your living space. It’s necessary to have exhaust so that the poisonous fumes that the fuel burned would be released to the outdoors. But this isn’t possible if you choose a ventless gas fireplace. If your home has a vent-free heating system, make sure to replace it right away.

Take the Necessary Steps

You can protect your Glendale home from carbon monoxide leaks by ensuring that the heating system is working properly. To avoid carbon monoxide leaks from your Glendale heating system, make sure to follow the tips above. Or schedule an HVAC contractor for repair or yearly maintenance: (818) 722-8634.