The Benefits of Routine HVAC Service in Los Angeles

Maintaining a comfortable indoor environment in the ever-changing climate of Los Angeles is a top priority for homeowners. One of the best ways to ensure your HVAC system keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter is through routine HVAC Service. In this guide, we’ll explore the numerous benefits of regular service in Los Angeles, provided by American Cool and Heat.

Improved Energy Efficiency

Benefit: Lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact.

Regular service includes cleaning and fine-tuning your system, and optimizing its performance. This leads to increased energy efficiency, meaning your HVAC system consumes less energy to maintain your desired indoor temperature. As a result, you’ll see a noticeable drop in your energy bills, and you’ll be reducing your carbon footprint.

Prolonged System Lifespan

Benefit: Extended lifespan of your HVAC system.

Just like regular car maintenance can extend the life of your vehicle, routine HVAC service can prolong the lifespan of your heating and cooling system. Well-maintained systems are less likely to experience major breakdowns, ensuring they provide comfort for years to come. This can save you from the high costs of premature HVAC replacement.

Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

Benefit: Healthier living environment and reduced allergy symptoms.

Part of the service involves Cleaning or Replacing Air Filters, Ductwork Inspection, and removing dust and debris. This process significantly improves indoor air quality by reducing allergens and pollutants in your home. For residents of Los Angeles, where air quality can be a concern, this is especially important for maintaining a healthy living space.

Fewer Repairs and Breakdowns

Benefit: Reduced need for costly emergency repairs.

Regular service can catch minor issues before they escalate into major problems. By addressing potential problems early, you can avoid costly emergency repair calls during the scorching Los Angeles summer or chilly winter nights. This not only saves you money but also ensures uninterrupted comfort.

Consistent Comfort

Benefit: Steady indoor temperatures and humidity levels.

HVAC service ensures your system can effectively regulate indoor temperatures and humidity. You won’t have to constantly adjust your thermostat to stay comfortable, as a well-maintained system can provide consistent comfort throughout your home.

Warranty Protection

Benefit: Fulfillment of manufacturer’s warranty requirements.

Many HVAC manufacturers require regular professional service to keep your warranty valid. Skipping service appointments may void your warranty, leaving you responsible for costly repairs or replacements in case of system failures.

Improved Safety

Benefit: Reduced risk of carbon monoxide leaks and other safety hazards.

Safety is paramount when it comes to HVAC systems. Regular service includes safety checks, ensuring that your system operates safely and doesn’t pose any risks, such as carbon monoxide leaks.

Peace of Mind

Benefit: Confidence in the reliability of your HVAC system.

Knowing that your HVAC system is well-maintained and less likely to fail when you need it most provides peace of mind. You can rest assured that your family will stay comfortable regardless of the weather conditions in Los Angeles.

Cost Savings Over Time

Benefit: Long-term savings on energy bills, repairs, and replacements.

While HVAC service does involve some upfront costs, the long-term savings far outweigh the initial investment. You’ll spend less on energy, and fewer repairs, and you’ll avoid the expense of premature HVAC replacements.

Environmentally Responsible

Benefit: Reduced carbon footprint.

Maintaining an efficiently running HVAC system is not only good for your wallet but also for the environment. Lower energy consumption means reduced greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a greener Los Angeles.

Professional Expertise

Benefit: Access to experienced HVAC technicians.

When you schedule routine service with a reputable company like American Cool and Heat, you gain access to experienced technicians who understand the unique HVAC needs of Los Angeles residents. Their expertise ensures your system receives the best care possible.

Customized Service Plans

Benefit: Tailored service plans to meet your specific needs.

Professional HVAC service providers offer customized service plans that align with your system’s requirements and your budget. This allows you to address specific concerns and maintain your system effectively.

HVAC Service

Benefits Of Regular HVAC Service

Routine service is essential for maintaining a comfortable and energy-efficient home in Los Angeles. The benefits of regular service extend beyond just lower energy bills; they include prolonged system lifespan, improved indoor air quality, fewer repairs, and peace of mind knowing your HVAC system is reliable. At American Cool and Heat, we’re committed to helping Los Angeles homeowners experience these advantages through our top-notch HVAC service. Contact us today to schedule your next service appointment and enjoy the numerous benefits it brings to your home and family.

Signs It’s Time for an HVAC Replacement in Los Angeles

In the heart of sunny Los Angeles, a functioning HVAC system is more than a luxury—it’s a necessity. However, like all mechanical systems, HVAC units have a finite lifespan. Recognizing the signs that it’s time for an HVAC Replacement in Los Angeles can save you from unexpected breakdowns and discomfort during extreme weather. In this guide, we’ll explore the key indicators that signal it’s time to invest in a new HVAC system.

Age of Your HVAC System

Sign: Your HVAC system is over 10-15 years old.

When to Consider Replacement: Age is a crucial factor in determining when to replace your HVAC system. Most systems have a lifespan of 15-20 years. If your unit is approaching or surpassing this range, it’s wise to start considering a replacement. Older units tend to become less efficient and prone to frequent breakdowns.

Rising Energy Bills

Sign: Your energy bills have significantly increased, even with routine maintenance.

When to Consider Replacement: Escalating energy bills can be a sign that your HVAC system is operating inefficiently. As systems age, they often lose their energy efficiency. Investing in a newer, more energy-efficient HVAC system can lead to substantial long-term savings.

Frequent and Costly Repairs

Sign: You find yourself calling for repairs multiple times a year, and repair costs are becoming a significant expense.

When to Consider Replacement: If you’re frequently shelling out money for HVAC repairs and your system still isn’t running smoothly, it may be more cost-effective to invest in a new unit. Frequent breakdowns can add up, making HVAC replacement a sensible financial decision.

Inconsistent Heating or Cooling

Sign: Your HVAC system struggles to maintain a consistent temperature throughout your home.

When to Consider Replacement: Inconsistent heating or cooling can be a frustrating issue. It may indicate that your HVAC system is no longer capable of adequately distributing air. Replacing your unit with a properly sized and efficient system can resolve this problem.

Declining Indoor Air Quality

Sign: Your indoor air quality has noticeably deteriorated, leading to health issues or discomfort.

When to Consider Replacement: Poor indoor air quality can result from an aging HVAC system that’s no longer effectively filtering or conditioning the air. A new system can improve air quality, creating a healthier and more comfortable environment for your family.

Loud and Unusual Noises

Sign: Your HVAC system produces loud, strange, or constant noises during operation.

When to Consider Replacement: Unusual noises can indicate worn-out or damaged components in your HVAC system. If the noise persists after professional repairs, it may be time for an HVAC replacement to ensure quiet and efficient operation.

Inefficient Cooling or Heating

Sign: Your HVAC system struggles to cool or heat your space as effectively as it used to.

When to Consider Replacement: Inefficient cooling or heating can result from wear and tear on your HVAC unit. An upgraded system with modern technology can provide superior performance, helping you maintain a comfortable home.

Refrigerant Leaks

Sign: Your HVAC system experiences refrigerant leaks, causing cooling issues.

When to Consider Replacement: Refrigerant leaks not only impact the cooling capacity of your system but can also harm the environment. Repairing leaks can be costly, and older systems may be more prone to this issue. A new, eco-friendly HVAC system may be the solution.

Difficulty Maintaining Comfort

Sign: You constantly adjust the thermostat to stay comfortable but struggle to achieve the desired temperature.

When to Consider Replacement: If your HVAC system no longer responds well to thermostat adjustments, it may be losing its ability to maintain comfort effectively. An HVAC replacement can provide better temperature control.

Environmental Considerations

Sign: You want to reduce your carbon footprint and lower your energy consumption.

When to Consider Replacement: Modern HVAC systems are designed to be more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. If you’re looking to reduce your environmental impact and save on energy bills, an HVAC replacement with a higher SEER rating can help achieve these goals.

HVAC Replacement

Benefits of HVAC Replacement

Replacing your HVAC system offers numerous benefits beyond addressing the signs mentioned above. Newer systems are more energy-efficient, offer enhanced comfort control, and often come with advanced features like smart thermostats. Additionally, modern HVAC units use eco-friendly refrigerants that are better for the environment.

In Los Angeles, where the weather can be extreme, a well-functioning HVAC system is essential for comfort and well-being. Recognizing the signs that it’s time for a replacement can save you from unexpected breakdowns and high energy bills. If you’ve identified any of these signs in your HVAC system, it’s advisable to consult with a trusted HVAC company like American Cool and Heat. Our expert technicians can assess your needs and help you select a new, energy-efficient HVAC system that will keep your Los Angeles home comfortable for years to come. Don’t wait until your old system breaks down completely—plan for an HVAC replacement and enjoy improved comfort and energy savings.

What Should I Look For In a Company to Do My HVAC Replacement

There is no doubt that one of the most important features of any home located in a place with either temperature extremes is an HVAC system. The more you need it, the more you are going to use it, and the more you use it. The more it will need repairs and an eventual complete replacement! Of course, when the time comes to say goodbye to one old system and bring a newer version into your home, the process of finding a good company to do the installation is the top task on the list. With this in mind, here is what you should be looking for in a company to do an HVAC replacement in Glendale.

Do They Provide A Guarantee?

Make sure that you find a company that stands by its work and does so by offering a guarantee. With something like a 5 or 10-year guarantee in place, you have the peace of mind that if anything goes wrong in that long stretch of time, you are covered by the company and they will send somebody out to rectify the issue, no questions asked. The last thing you want is to be offered no guarantee and then be left without any help when something happens

It is a good idea to send a few emails or messages back and forth with the company before committing to booking an installation because you will be able to judge how quick and effective their communication is. The quicker and more detailed their correspondence is, the safer you will feel in their hands. There is nothing worse than trying to get in touch with a company that refuses to respond in a timely manner. When it comes to tradesmen, it is always best to go with a company that has a huge amount of experience in their field. Sure, everybody has to start somewhere, but that doesn’t mean that it has to be on your expensive HVAC machine! The more experience in your area a company has, the better.

HVAC ReplacementHVAC Replacement

Do They Have A Good Reputation?

If you have family or friends who have recently had an HVAC replacement, then ask them about their own experience with the company they chose. If they don’t have anything bad to say about the engineers who did the job, then you can take that as a sign that your own experience will be stress-free.

So, if you are looking for a company to do your HVAC replacement, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at ACAH  Glendale – American Cool And Heat. Our experienced and skilled engineers are ready and waiting to head out to your home to install your new system. No matter what kind of property layout you have or the HVAC system you want, we can guarantee a fast and stress-free job. We look forward to being able to help!

Let an AC Service Provide Maintenance to Your Unit

Here in Southern California, an air conditioner is often vital for one’s everyday comfort. After all, that summer heat is hard to escape without some help from a little cooled air. Of course, keeping an AC unit running eight hours a day, six months a year will strain any sort of mechanism, so in order to prevent damages to the system and to keep it in good shape, it’s always a good idea to have an AC service near you help by providing some maintenance to your unit.

Maintenance for Your AC Unit

Just like your car, your large electronics need to receive maintenance every so often. They are, after all, pieces of machinery that won’t run forever. This is as true for your car as it is for your washing machine, your dishwasher, and, yes, your air conditioner. Maintenance is what keeps your appliances and electronics running smoothly throughout the course of their lifespan. Let’s take a closer look at what AC maintenance looks like.

Avoid Costly Repairs in the Future

The most important reason for you to have your AC go through regular maintenance will be to avoid potential costly repairs. If you’ve ever had your AC break down, you might be aware that this often ends up in fairly expensive repairs, which aren’t really viable on repeated occasions. But you know what is less expensive than having to pay for repairs? Maintenance. Since maintenance doesn’t have to make repairs but is rather focused on making sure everything is running smoothly, it’s nowhere near as costly. This way, you can be sure that your air conditioner will always be ready to handle extensive use and that you have to deal with as few repairs going forward as possible.

Extend the Life of Your Air Conditioner

Of course, you’re not just avoiding repairs by having your AC go through regular maintenance, you are also avoiding it dying on you in general. As much as we’d like them to, air conditioning units don’t live forever, so you will eventually have to replace yours once the strain and use have been too much. This is bound to be expensive, however, so you probably want to postpone it as much as possible. The best way to do so will be by having a qualified team provide maintenance to your unit every so often. Every maintenance session means that your unit will be given a refresher in terms of its functioning. That way, the unit will be under a lot less strain as the years go by and it will always be operating optimally.

AC Service

Whether you’re looking for AC maintenance for your unit or you feel like investing in installing a new one, remember you can count on our Los Angeles AC service. Here at American Cool and Heat, we can make sure that whatever your need in regards to your air conditioning is taken care of. For more information or to request a free estimate, give us a call at (818) 722-8634 or fill out the contact form on our website.

For Best HVAC Service Clean Your Air Conditioner

Is your air conditioner not giving you the best HVAC service? Has the performance fallen off lately? You might be surprised to find out that the unit might need some cleaning.

Clean Your AC for Better HVAC Service

What are the consequences of a dirty air conditioning unit? Well, for one, mold might build up, which is bad news given that the system will spread the spores all over your home. In general, you might simply receive poor HVAC service from your system. Here’s how to clean it.

Step One, Turn Off the AC Unit and Open it

The first thing you want to do before getting any sort of cleaning done will be to turn off power to the air conditioner to make sure that everything is done safely. How? Well, turn off power at the breaker box. Once you make sure there is no power connected to it, open the unit. The blower will have a door to the evaporator coil. Depending on the unit, there might be some duct tape you will have to remove on the way, as well as some screws or bolts holding the door in place. If you need help, call an HVAC service.

Step Two, Clean the Evaporator Coils

To clean the evaporator coils, you will first need to use a soft brush to remove any dust from the coil. This way you can get rid of any skin cells, dirt, and even pollen that might have snuck in there, so avoid any allergies by wearing a mask. You can purchase a no-rinse coil cleaner at any home improvement store, which will foam up and drip onto the drain pan. Try spraying the foam as evenly as possible, even in the small areas that you can’t quite reach. It’s always a good idea to do this during a warm day so that the condensation can rinse off the coils once you turn the unit back on.

Step Three, Clean the Drain Pan

Having cleaned up the coils, you will have to clean out the drain pan with soap and hot water, plus some bleach to better sanitize it (50/50 with water). If you want to prevent algae from growing on the pan, there are AC drain pan tablets that can help.

Step Four, Clean the Air Conditioner Drain

Without regular AC maintenance or cleaning, the drain in your AC might get clogged due to mold and algae. Now, your drain will probably end either outside around the condenser unit or into a utility sink in the basement floor. Regardless, follow the drain all the way up to where it ends and, using a wet/dry vacuum, hold the hose at the end of the drain tube. Turn on the vacuum and let it run for two or three minutes to clear any accumulated buildup.

Step Five, Close up the Panel

The last thing you want to do is close up the panel just like you opened it and make sure everything is like it was before you started. If this all seems like a lot, don’t worry. Our HVAC service in Los Angeles can take care of this and more if your air conditioning unit needs cleaning. For more information, give us a call at (818) 722-8634 and we’ll answer your questions, provide estimates, and get you started. Don’t put up with the heat, you don’t have to.


Improve Upon Your HVAC Service By Following These Tips

Living in Los Angeles has plenty of perks. For example, you don’t have to deal with snow or extreme temperatures at any point of the year. Sure, there is heat in the summer, but that seaside breeze keeps the area cool most of the time. That breeze won’t help you at home, though, where you will need some assistance. That’s what your air conditioner is for. If you want to make sure that your HVAC service is always optimal, here’s what you need to keep in mind.

Install a Smart Thermostat

What are the worst offenders when it comes to sabotaging the performance of your air conditioning unit? On one hand, precision. After all, how often could you swear that your thermostat’s temperature reading is lying to you? Probably a lot of the time. The best way to ensure precision and accuracy with your thermostat is to get a smart one. These wonderful new toys will make your use of HVAC service much easier than it’s ever been. They can provide more exact temperature readings, more accurately control the general system, and schedule temperature changes accordingly. A smart thermostat will help reduce the costs of your air conditioning and make it run much more efficiently.

HVAC Service

Regulate AC Use

Summer in Los Angeles is always a lot. The sun, the heat, it’s all great… if you’re at the beach. When you’re home, it can actually be too much to deal with. That’s why we have an air conditioner, right? To make sure we can live comfortably in our own home during the sweltering heat of summer, we need air conditioning to keep the temperature nice and cool throughout. However, too much climate control and things can get complicated. Energy bills can go up and the air conditioning unit can strain itself. The best way to make sure you maintain a comfortable temperature, low energy bills, and an efficient unit is to regulate its use. Maybe turn it off at night or when you’re not at home to allow the unit to rest.

Provide Proper Maintenance

Now, just like you get maintenance for a vehicle or an appliance, sometimes you might need to get maintenance for your air conditioner unit. These are designed to last for a long time, but they are also reasonably delicate pieces of equipment. Extended hours of use can weigh on a unit to the point where it might stop working way ahead of its intended lifespan. The best thing to do to make sure that your unit lasts for as long as it’s supposed to is to invest in proper maintenance every once in a while. If your unit undergoes a lot of use, then annual or semiannual HVAC service maintenance can go a long way.

HVAC Service in Los Angeles

By following these tips, you can maintain and further expand the life of your air conditioning unit, but they’re not going to be of much use when your unit is already down. If you need HVAC service or AC repair in Los Angeles, we at American Clean Air & Heating are here to help. Just give us a call at (818) 722-8634 and we’ll be right there to help.

Here’s How to Troubleshoot and Perform Heater Repair in Glendale

If you are having trouble with your heater, your first instinct might be to find professional heater repair in Glendale. This is definitely the best call most of the time, but here are a few ways to figure out what’s wrong with your unit beforehand.

Problems with the Furnace Filter

Before anything else, the best thing to check is the filters in your heater. After all, these get dirty due to the constant intake of dust and dirt, quickly interrupting the airflow and clogging up the filter. In the best of cases, clogged filters decrease the air quality of the room in question. In the worst, well, your heater will stop working. It can keep the heater from starting up in the first place, as well as cause premature breakdowns and become a fire hazard. In order to check whether or not the filter is the problem, turn the thermostat off and flip the heater switch off. Hold up the filter to a light source. If the light doesn’t really shine through, then the filter definitely needs to be cleaned or replaced. Do this every month to make sure your air is clean.

heater repair in Glendale

Problems with the Thermostat

If the filter is changed and the heater still won’t run, then the problem might be with the thermostat. To check whether this is the case or not, set it to heat and set the temperature at least five degrees above the current room temperature. Replace the batteries if that’s the problem with the thermostat. For electromechanical thermostats, then you might need to open it up and dust it off using a soft brush to remove dirt from the metal coils and contact plates. Lastly, make sure that the thermostat itself isn’t being affected by external sources. Lights, ovens, and sunlight can all cause false readings. This can cause it to stop heating before it should or to not reach the necessary temperatures.

Problems with the Switch and Panel

If the problem doesn’t seem to be caused by either the filter or the thermostat, then power might be the problem. If you think this might be the issue, check the furnace switch near the furnace, for someone might have accidentally turned it off at some point. In these cases, flip it back on. If that doesn’t work, check the electrical panel and make sure that power is turned on at the breaker box. If the heater breaker is switched off, flip the switch all the way off, then flip it back on again so that you hear a click. If there’s no power coming to the fuse box, look for the melted fuse, unscrew it, and replace it with a fuse of the same type and size. Then, turn the heater back on and see if power was restored to it. If this isn’t working, then you might need to contact professional heater repair in Glendale.

Heater Repair in Glendale

At American Cool and Heat, we specialize in repairing any malfunctioning of heating and air conditioning equipment all across Glendale and the general Los Angeles area. We take pride in delivering only the best available services, guaranteeing optimal performance. For heater repair in Glendale and other services, give us a call at (818) 722-8634 if you find yourself in need of a repair and we’ll be right there.

Our AC Repair Company Can Keep a Comfortable Environment in any Home

The last thing you want is to have trouble with your air conditioner or your heater. After all, maintaining a comfortable environment for yourself at home in essential. Our AC repair company, American Cool and Heat, is well-equipped to tackle just about any issue that you are having with your unit.

AC Repair

When it comes to life in Los Angeles, it’s hard to overstate just how important having air conditioning at home is. After all, summer’s is here and, while we usually get to escape the heat at home by heading out to the beach or the pool, that’s not exactly an option this summer with the coronavirus. Now, more than ever we are relying on an efficient air conditioner to get us through the inevitable heat of the season. Of course, you probably want to let the least amount of people into the house in these times. This is why we figured we’d provide you with a few tips in case you need AC repair. This way, you can try your own hand at it before you contact a professional AC repair company.

AC Repair Company

Heater Repair

You might not think about your heater for most of the year. After all, it’s Los Angeles! When do you need that? Well, the answer is… probably sometime between November and March. We all know how chilly it can get at night during those months. Even during the day! The last thing you want is to go turn your heater on in the middle of a cold night and to find out it stopped working sometime in July. Well, don’t worry, because our AC repair company can take care of that in no time. Whether it’s your heater or your furnace that isn’t getting the job done, we can make sure you get your home to the right temperature.


Plenty of air conditioner units don’t necessarily break until the end of their lifespan. Some will probably need repairs every now and then, but there are others that simply won’t until they suddenly stop working and have to be replaced. Odds are, the AC unit in this scenario didn’t live up to its full potential lifespan as promised by the company you bought it from. This means that you will probably have to incur unexpected and significant expenses in order to replace the air conditioning system before you thought you would. If you wish to avoid this, getting semi-regular maintenance for your AC can help you extend the system’s lifespan. A constant checkup can make sure things runs smoothly for a much longer time.


AC Repair Compay in Los Angeles

Whether you just need a tweak to your current air conditioner or you need a whole new system, our team at American Cool & Heat is ready to perform just about any AC service in Los Angeles. We can provide you with the best repair and installation services in the area, making sure that you maintain an environment you feel comfortable in. Give our AC repair company a call at 818.722.8634 and we’ll be there to help you. 

Tips for Furnace Repair in Los Angeles

You don’t think you need a proper furnace in Southern California until you let the AC run for too long or until December hits. Suddenly, you’re wishing you could heat up your place on a chilly, rainy day, yet your furnace refuses to work properly. Here are a few tips for furnace repair in Los Angeles on how to diagnose and fix the problem. 

Your Furnace is Not Blowing Air

If your furnace isn’t blowing out air, let alone a climate-controlled one, you might be having a problem with the blower itself. If you are trying to assess the problem yourself, first, look into the inspection window on the furnace. Check whether there is any debris on the blower and look for a flashing light, which should be blinking green or red. If the light is green, then the furnace should be running as usual once you clean out the blower. If it’s red, then the problem might be with the thermostat, the run capacitor, the blower motor, or the furnace control transformer. These will require professional furnace repair in Los Angeles

Furnace Repair in Los Angeles

Your Furnace is Not Heating Properly 

If your furnace seems to be blowing hot air but not enough to warm up a room, then your filter could likely be the problem. You need to make sure that the air filter is clean and in good condition so that it actually helps your furnace work at its intended capacity. In order to check your filter, first, you need to locate it. It will usually be in the intake, which often looks like a grate on the floor, the wall, or the ceiling. Hold up a light to the filter. If no light is shining through, then you should change the filter, simple as that. To replace it, make sure the furnace is turned off, check the direction the filter points, and install the new one with this in mind.

Your Furnace is not Heating at All

In the unfortunate case that your furnace is simply not heating up at all, you will need to consider a few different options. First, test out a few different temperatures to see if there’s a noticeable difference between them. If not, the circuit breaker or a fuse might have been tripped. To check if that’s the case, test your home breakers by finding the circuit that controls the furnace. Manually test the breaker by flipping it back and forth. Then make sure it’s actually staying in the on position. Try testing out your furnace again. If it’s still giving you trouble, then the problem might be more complicated than that. You’ll want to contact a highly-rated service for furnace repair.

Furnace Repair in Burbank

If you tried to fix your furnace on your own, we applaud the effort. However, it’s understandable if you weren’t able to solve the issue. After all, these appliances are tricky when it comes to assessing and fixing the issue. At American Cool and Heat, we can provide you with the best furnace repair in Los Angeles, making sure that your home remains a climate-controlled, comfortable place to be. Give us a call at (818) 722-8634 and we’ll be there to help you in a flash!

Try This Before Calling Professional HVAC Repair in Los Angeles

Maintaining cool temperatures is a consistent concern across Los Angeles year-round. High temperatures require that most of us have some sort of air conditioning system in our homes. Our homes are all designed in such a way and with the necessary materials to stay cool. This is great during the summer, but during the colder months of the year, it becomes important to stay warm because of this. This means that most of us need an HVAC unit at home so that we can all control the temperature according to our liking. If these units stop working, it becomes very important to fix them promptly. More often than not, you will need to call a service for HVAC repair in Los Angeles, but there are times in which you can potentially try your hand at it.

My HVAC Runs but Isn’t Cooling

If your HVAC system is running but is not actually cooling, there are a few things you can do to try to fix it yourself. First, make sure to turn it off so that you can safely take a look at it. Clean or change the filter if you think it needs to be replaced. Check to see if any ice has formed on the coils, in which case you should turn the power back on and switch the fan on in order to melt the ice. Additionally, you might also be able to clean the condensate drain if it’s so dirty it’s grown obstructed. You can also check and, if needed, clean the outdoor compressor and see if that allows it to work. If none of these work, you might have a more serious issue in your hands and will need professional HVAC repair.

HVAC repair in Los Angeles

My HVAC Isn’t Working at All

In case your HVAC unit isn’t even running in the first place, there might be a few things you yourself can do to check if it’s working. First, make sure it’s receiving power at the electrical panel. Reset the equipment’s switches and its overloads, then check again if it turns on. Check the thermostat settings to make sure they are the right ones. Then check the condensate overflow switch. In HVAC units with this switch, if the drainpipe backs up with water then the float switch will shut off the air conditioner. If it’s been shut off, then it means you will need to clear the condensation drain pipe. The last thing you might be able to do yourself is to check the capacitor and the contractor in the compressor. 

Contact HVAC Repair in Los Angeles

At American Cool and Heat, we specialize in repairing any malfunctioning of heating and air conditioning equipment all across the Los Angeles area. We take pride in delivering only the best available services, guaranteeing optimal performance from just about any HVAC repair in Los Angeles. Our team of licensed experts is well-equipped to take care of any problem your unit might be having whenever you need them to. Our customers know they can always count on American Clean Air & Heating to take care of any unfortunate occurrences with their HVAC system. Give us a call at (818) 722-8634 if you find yourself in need of a repair and we’ll be right there.