I Need Some Helpful Tips To Find AC Repair Near Me

I think we can all agree that one of the most annoying things that can happen to your home is your AC unit completely giving up and breaking down. If you live in a super-hot area or are experiencing a particularly warm spell, this can be the difference between being cool and calm or constantly hot and bothered! Thankfully, there are plenty of companies in every city that profess to be the best when you search for AC repair near me, but how can you tell which one to go for when they all claim to be the number one option? With this in mind, here are some helpful tips that will help you to find the best AC repair in your area.

Check Their Level Of Experience

Make a few inquiries as to the level of experience that the repairman/company has in the field of AC repair. OF course, everybody has to start somewhere, and there are levels of training that you need to go through before becoming certified, but it is always good to check on those certifications before you hand over any money for service. Always ask what they are planning to do and what it will cost before you agree to hire them.

Consider The Price Being Quoted

Don’t go for the first repair company that you find. It is always a good idea to browse the competition and see what kinds of prices are being quoted. If there is one that is charging significantly more for the exact same service, then it is worth avoiding. There is something to be said for the phrase ‘you get what you pay for, but at the same time, there is no need for you to be held hostage to high fees. AC unit repair is not a captive market situation.

What Is Their Local Reputation Like?

You always want to make sure that you are choosing a company that has a good reputation either locally or nationally. Go online and search for independent review websites that boast testimonials from real customers. If you come across more negative experiences than positive ones, then you know that that is a company to avoid. There are too many good-quality competitors to bother going through the stress of handling business with a disreputable company.

AC Repair Near Me

Do They Have Insurance?

You need to make sure that your chosen company operates under insurance because if they do not, it means you will have to end up paying for further repairs on problems that they might be responsible for.

So, if you are on the brink of Googling AC repair near me, then save yourself some time and simply get in touch with the team at ACAH HQ Glendale American Cool And Heat instead! The team of experienced engineers and installers is ready and waiting to visit your home and fix any air conditioning-related issues that you might be having. We will do everything in our power to restore your home to the cool tranquility that it once enjoyed!

Check These Before Calling for AC Repair in Los Angeles

I think we can all agree that there are few things worse than when your conditioning breaks down unexpectedly! All of a sudden you are hot and sweaty in your own home and you want to fix the situation as quickly as possible, the only problem is that you don’t have any of the needed expertise! A few problems with your AC every now and then are going to be inevitable, but at the same time, it has to be said that some issues are definitely worse than others. With this in mind, here are some things that you should be checking on with your unit before you make the decision to call for AC repair in Los Angeles.

Check For A Dirty Air Filter

If your air filter is covered in dirt, grime, and general dust, then it makes sense that your AC unit will not work as effectively as it should. Cleaning the filter should be considered a regular part of your general AC maintenance. Sometimes it might even need a replacement. Luckily for you, this can be easily done by any homeowner and doesn’t need a professional engineer to come out and fix it. To keep maintenance costs as low as possible, you should always be trying to perform the tasks that don’t necessarily need an expert hand. A little home knowledge can go a long way!

Check For Dirty Components

The air filter isn’t the only part of the AC unit that can get dirty and suffer from it. You want to check on all of the outdoor components to be sure that they are clean and free of dirt and debris. You can clean them off easily using something like a garden hose, but make sure not to use too strong a jet of water because some of these parts can be quite delicate. Obviously, if you break them doing this, then we will have to come out for a visit anyway!

AC repair in Los Angeles

Do You Have It On The Wrong Setting?

Most air con units are not just a case of turning them on and turning them off with one simple setting. There are dozens of different modes for modern systems that require different levels of power from the unit, so make sure that your own unit is set to the right output level for your needs. As a general rule, keeping your unit in the ‘auto’ setting is probably the best way to go for the vast majority of average homes.

If you have checked everything we have mentioned and you still think you need to call for AC repair in Los Angeles, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at ACAH HQ Glendale American Cool And Heat. We have a number of expert professionals ready and on hand to visit your home and solve any AC-related issues that you are having. There is no problem we haven’t been able to fix yet, no matter how big or small!

Ways to Save Money on AC Repair in Burbank

For most people in Burbank, summer is an exciting time. The school is out and many people go to the beach and have fun in the sun. But it also means that you’ll run the AC throughout the day. Without a proper AC, you’ll be miserable in your house because of the scorching heat. Thus, before summertime comes, make sure to call our AC repair in Burbank so our technicians can inspect the cooling system. 

Can You Save Money on AC Repair in Burbank? 

Yes, you can definitely save money when you follow these tips: 

Close Curtains and Blinds 

You can save money on AC repair by preventing the need to fix it. The only way to avoid it is to only use the AC for a few hours and properly maintain it. And during summer, you must ensure that your curtains and blinds are closed. The rooms in your house that face the sun can get really warm during the hotter months. Now, if the thermostat is installed near these rooms, you need to shut down the blinds or draw shades. The reason for this is that the thermostat will read the temperature and keep the AC running to cool your entire house. By closing the windows and drawing shades, the AC won’t have to work as hard. 

Use a Ceiling Fan 

Another way to save money on AC is to increase the thermostat to 78 degrees. But before you do so, make sure that your ceiling fan is running. You’ll be amazed at how this fan will make the room cooler. 

Adjust the Thermostat 

You can save money on your AC bills by keeping the inside temperature closer to the outside temperature. As mentioned, you can set it to 78 degrees. It can take time to get used to the temperature. But if you see your energy bill going down, you’ll appreciate the adjustment. To prevent yourself from setting your thermostat frequently, you may invest in a programmable thermostat. This device can set the temperature to 80 when no one is around during the day. This can surely save you money even more. 

Schedule Maintenance

The best way to prevent your AC from needing repair is to schedule routine preventative maintenance. Summers can be sweltering. If your AC is not in tip-top shape, when summer starts, you can expect your AC bills to go up. By properly maintaining your AC, you can be sure that it will run efficiently when you need it most. During a maintenance visit, our technicians will clean the indoor and outdoor units to ensure that nothing is blocking them. They also make sure that the AC and thermostat are in sync so the system won’t work harder. 

AC repair in Burbank

Don’t Neglect Maintenance 

If you ignore routine maintenance, your AC system will suffer. Soon, you’ll need expensive AC repair in Burbank. Thus, to avoid it, make sure to call our team to inspect and maintain the cooling system of your house. Schedule an appointment here: (818) 722-8634

Do You Need AC Repair if the AC is Making You Cough?

If it’s hot outside, you would want your house to give you a cooler temperature. Thus, you turn it on. But every time your AC is running, you cough or sneeze. Are you allergic to your house? Or could it be that the unit needs to see an AC repair specialist? 

Do You Need AC Repair or Is It Just an Allergic Reaction? 

Your air conditioning can spread allergies. If you sneeze or cough after turning it on, it can be that the AC is causing the symptom. However, if you’re the only one sneezing or coughing while the other members of the household don’t experience these symptoms, then what you need is a doctor. 

How Does AC Spread Allergies? 

An AC distributes airborne pollutants. It delivers them throughout your home. These contaminants could be pollen, mold, pet dander, bacteria, dust mites, and pollution. It’s said that 60% of asthma cases are caused by these airborne pollutants. To determine if these pollutants are causing your symptoms, you should check your filters. Dirty filters can distribute these particles in the system. 

How Often to Change AC Filters? 

In the peak allergy season, you need to change or clean your AC filters once a month. But it depends on where you live. Your environment can determine the type of airborne pollutants in the atmosphere. But these pollutants can be minimized by maintaining and cleaning your filter. Having a clean filter can trap spores. Air is circulated throughout the AC system. However, if your system has a dirty filter, it will only spread, dust, mold, and mildew. 

Dirty Filters Lead to Expensive AC Repair 

If you don’t clean your AC filters as often as needed, the dirty filters will cause your AC to function inefficiently as it reduces the free flow of air. However, maintaining your AC doesn’t only involve changing or cleaning filters. It’s also vital that other parts of the system are cleaned or inspected. This will effectively reduce the chances of microbes that rest in the air ducts. 

On the other hand, if you failed to properly maintain your AC, it will lead to an expensive repair. In some cases, though, AC repair is not enough to resolve the issue. You may need to replace the AC system to prevent allergic reactions. 

How Much Does AC Repair Cost? 

The repair cost will depend on the things to be fixed. If it’s a major repair, you will have to spend more than $500 to fix it. On the other hand, if the repair involves fixing ductwork, the cost can be more expensive. The cost is also dependent on the size of your house. 

AC repair

Should You Repair or Replace Your AC? 

You can’t just choose to repair or replace your AC without first consulting a technician. That’s why before you decide, make sure to talk to our AC repair specialist at American Clean Air and Heating. Get a free consultation about our AC repair service by calling (818) 722-8634


Things to Consider to Help You Decide Between Furnace Repair and Replacement

Fixing a broken furnace can be costly. It’s even costlier if you need to replace it. In some cases, homeowners are torn between Long Beach heating repair and replacement. Unfortunately, you may need to decide faster. Otherwise, you and your family have to endure winter without heat. Even so, it’s still vital that you know the facts about your furnace. 

Should You Choose Long Beach Repair or Replacement? 

When it’s time for you to decide whether to repair or replace your furnace, you have several factors to keep in mind. 

Age of the Furnace 

Most furnaces can last for 15 years. It can be longer if it undergoes proper maintenance. However, if it’s longer than 20 years, for instance, and the furnace requires frequent repair, it may be less valuable to pay for expensive repairs. Thus, it’s vital that you know the age of your furnace. If it’s still less than 15 years old, you may still consider repairing it. However, if it’s older than that, replacement may be the viable option. 

The Health of the Furnace 

Repairing your furnace could be worth your money, especially if it’s properly maintained and still in good shape. However, if it’s causing your gas bill to go up every month, it might be time for you to replace it. Then, if its heat exchanger cracks, carbon monoxide can leak into your home. In this situation, replacement is the more ideal choice. 

Cost of the Repair 

The age and health of the furnace can determine the cost of fixing it. According to Angi, “The typical cost to repair a furnace is $130 to $1,200.” It’s still reasonable to pay for hundred dollars if your furnace is middle-aged. However, if you’ll spend several thousand on a middle-aged furnace, you might be better off buying a new furnace. 

Saving Energy with a New Furnace 

Replacing your old furnace with an energy-efficient model can help you save on utility bills. New furnace models are more energy-efficient than the ones introduced 10 years ago. Thus, when you buy new equipment, you can reduce your carbon footprint and fuel bills. If your furnace is skyrocketing your energy bill, it might be best to just replace it. 

Temperature and Air Quality 

A new furnace can provide your home with a comfortable temperature in various ways. You can install a humidifier or an air purifier in your furnace to boost indoor air quality. But the new furnace still requires regular maintenance to ensure that it continues to provide you with comfortable temperature and high-quality indoor air. 


Of course, no matter how beneficial having a new furnace is, it’s still vital to look at how much you can afford. As mentioned, a new furnace can cost thousands of dollars. If you don’t have such an amount of money yet, then repair is the more ideal option. 

Long Beach heating repair

Repair or Replace 

If you are still wondering whether Long Beach heating repair is more ideal or not, you should consult with our HVAC technician. Contact us here: (818) 722-8634


Top Questions and Answers About Heating

The heating systems today are smart and efficient. You can use an app to control its settings. Or you can turn it off or on remotely. But no matter how efficient the heating system is, there are times when you feel that it doesn’t work properly. If that happens, you may need to call in a technician for a heating repair in Long Beach. But before you call in a technician, you might have some questions you want answers for. 


Questions and Answers to Know Before Heating Repair in Long Beach Commences 


Why is Heating Feel Dirty?

The heating must feel light and clean. The air filter keeps it that way. If you don’t replace or clean the filter regularly, dust and other particles can build up in the system. The particles can float around the house. Thus, you feel that the air is dirty. You can restore clean, warm air by replacing the air filter twice a year. If you neglect this simple maintenance, you will wind up paying for costly heat repair. 


Why is My Heating Makes Loud Noises? 

The heating system in your house makes a lot of noise. Some are normal while others can indicate a serious issue. The noises you hear can be caused by a lot of things. For a harmless noise, though, it can be the result of the heating parts vibrating. When the screws of the heating system come undone, the pieces can tick, thump or buzz. If you do hear noises, make sure to call an HVAC technician for maintenance. 


Why is My Heating Not Working? 

It doesn’t always mean that your heating system is in kaput. Before you can call in an HVAC technician to check the system, check the thermostat first. Find out if the temperature is set to the degree you want. Is it high or low enough to give you warm air? Another reason the heating isn’t working is that the breaker tripped. 


According to Spruce, “An overloaded electrical circuit is the most common reason for a circuit breaker tripping. It occurs when a circuit is attempting to draw a greater electrical load than it is intended to carry.” Call your electrician to fix it. Now, if the breaker is fine and there’s no outage of any kind in your area, call a heating specialist to check the system. 

Long Beach heating repair

Talk to an Expert 

Heating repair is typically the result of insufficient maintenance or the lack thereof. Thus, HVAC technicians would always recommend homeowners schedule heating maintenance regularly to avoid facing these issues. The heating in your house can work efficiently if it only undergoes regular upkeep. If not, you’ll soon be calling our technician for a heating repair in Long Beach. Talk to our experts today to find out whether your heating system requires maintenance or repair: (818) 722-8634


What are the Most Common Causes Homeowners Call for a Furnace Repair?

Furnace repair in Beverly Hills is a type of service that involves the repair and cleaning of the furnace. What it involves exactly depends on the type of furnace you have in your house. Often, homeowners don’t call for a furnace repair if they don’t see or hear signs of trouble. In this post, we’ll talk about the most common causes of furnace breakdown. 

Problems that Lead to Furnace Repair in Beverly Hills 

System Won’t Kick In 

Often, homeowners would make meaningless service calls to HVAC technicians because their furnace won’t kick in. When the technicians arrive, they find that the function isn’t switched on or the thermostat runs out of batteries. Thus, before you call in for a technician, make sure that the switch is on and the breaker isn’t tripped off. 

Not Blowing Warm Air 

The most common cause of this issue is a dirty air filter. According to Second Nature, “A dirty air filter is one of the most common reasons for HVAC system failure. A dirty filter restricts the air flow into your HVAC systems air handler. This restricted air flow places additional strain on the air handler fan motor and could, over time, burn out the motor and cause your system to overheat and ultimately fail.” Thus, don’t forget to replace your air filters regularly. 

Making a Noise 

Your furnace creates noise when it operates. However, if it makes cranking, grinding, hissing, whining, or pounding sound, you must not ignore it. If the filters are dirty, you may hear a banging sound. It can also be caused by the duct system that’s not sized properly. When you talk to an HVAC technician, you’ll be asked to describe the noise. The technician can tell you if the noise is harmless or it calls for a repair or inspection. 

Not Shutting Off 

If this is the case, you need to check the air filter. The furnace doesn’t shut off because it needs to run continuously to provide heat as the airflow is blocked. Another reason is that the thermostat is in the ON position. Talk to a technician to replace the control boards. Although you can buy the boards online, the quality may not be high. 

Smells Like Gas 

Natural gas doesn’t emit odor. If you’re using a furnace, make sure to have a carbon monoxide detector installed. In this way, any gas leak can be detected. If you smell gas, though, make sure to turn off the gas supply and immediately call a technician to investigate the matter. You should also call your gas provider to fix the issue. 

furnace repair Beverly Hills

Get Away from Costly Repair 

Most of these issues can be prevented if your furnace undergoes regular maintenance. Furnace repair in Beverly Hills is commonly caused by a lack of maintenance. If you don’t want to experience it, make sure to schedule an appointment today. Call us at (818) 722-8634

The Result of Lack of Furnace Maintenance

We don’t have to tell you the importance of a well-functioning heating system in Beverly Hills. This system is built to help you deal with harsh winters. You can even use it in spring. No matter what the brand of your heating unit is, it’s a vital component of your house to ensure that your family can get through the cooler months comfortably. However, this system requires proper maintenance. If you skip it, you’ll soon be paying for an expensive furnace repair in Beverly Hills

Furnace Repair in Beverly Hills Can Be Avoided 

Without proper maintenance, the heating system can break down. But if you don’t skip the recommended maintenance, our technicians can inspect, clean, and adjust the system. With regular maintenance, the system will operate properly at all times. Maintenance will also reduce natural wear and tear on the system. 

During winter, you don’t want to be sleeping in a cold room with no heat. You may try to call a professional to have the system repaired. But the cost of emergency repairs is high when you can avoid it through regular maintenance. 

Expensive Repair 

According to Homeadvisor, “An average furnace repair costs $307, or between $131 and $484. Electric furnaces can run $300 or less to repair. Gas furnace repairs range from $375 to $1,200 due to complexity.” Most of the heating repairs are preventable with routine maintenance. That’s why if you choose to maintain your heating system, you can avoid excessive repair. The reason for this is that during maintenance, our professional will check everything in the system. If our technicians find small repair needs, we will resolve them before they become worse. 

However, if you skip maintenance, those small repair needs will become bigger. And bigger issues can lead to expensive costs. Furthermore, the repair can also take time to finish because of the complex issue. But if you choose to have regular maintenance, repairing the system can take less than a day or an hour. 

Higher Utility Bills 

If your energy bills continue to go up every month even though your heating usage is the same, then it’s a sign you need to call furnace repair. Higher energy bills can mean that your home’s system isn’t working efficiently. Each year that your system doesn’t go without maintenance, it loses 5% of its efficiency. But if you perform regular maintenance, it maintains its original efficiency throughout its lifetime. 

furnace repair Beverly Hills

How to Avoid These Issues? 

Proper maintenance is vital. However, even with proper maintenance, furnace repair in Beverly Hills is still needed. If your heating system requires either maintenance or repair, please don’t hesitate to call our technicians at American Clean Air and Heating. We’re licensed and bonded unlike other professionals in LA. You may schedule repair service or request an estimate here (818) 722-8634


Do You Experience These Issues with Your Furnace?

Your furnace will encounter some issues throughout its lifespan. Some of them are minor while others require a furnace service in Los Angeles to resolve the problem. You may delay in fixing the problems but when the weather gets cold, your furnace won’t be there to give your home a comfortable temperature. Thus, when an issue arises, make sure to call an HVAC expert to schedule repair ASAP.

What are the Signs that Your System Needs Furnace Service in Los Angeles?

Insufficient Heat

The most obvious sign that you need a furnace service is that it’s not producing enough heat even though with proper thermostat settings. You should immediately call your preferred HVAC company to schedule repairs. One of the reasons for inadequate heat is leaking ductwork. Leaks cause treated air to escape.

Furnace Service Los Angeles

Carbon Monoxide Detector Goes Off

A carbon monoxide detector is attached to your furnace to detect the presence of this toxic gas. If it goes off, it can mean that this toxic gas has escaped from the container and it’s now present in the indoor air. For that reason, you must turn it off immediately. Then, make sure to ventilate your home by opening the windows. Contact an HVAC contractor to determine the source of the gas.

Unusual Smells

When you turn on your furnace for the first time in a year, it can smell like fuel. However, this odor dissipates after a few seconds. But if the smell doesn’t go away or if it appears suddenly, it’s a sign you have a furnace issue that must be addressed by an HVAC technician. There are several reasons for this issue to occur. It can be a gas leak or excessive dust in the unit. The only person who can determine the cause is an HVAC professional.

Persistent Noise

It’s true that when a furnace operates, you may hear a noise that comes out of it. However, the noise isn’t that loud. And if you’re hearing a loud, persistent noise coming from the furnace, it’s an indication that the furnace is facing a serious problem. Call an HVAC contractor right away. During the inspection, describe the sound you hear to the contractor. If it’s a squealing noise, it can be a fan issue. A banging sound may indicate a broken component.

Poor Air Quality

The heating system in your house can directly affect the quality of air in your home. If the system is poorly maintained, it distributes dirt, bacteria, and other foreign elements throughout your home. Thus, if you notice dust in the air and you experience frequent colds and coughs, then they are signs the air quality in your house is poor. This problem may be resolved by replacing the filter. But in more serious issues, the ductwork may require professional cleaning.

Repair Your Furnace Today

Don’t wait for too long before you call a furnace service in Los Angeles. Schedule your repair today at (818) 722-8634.

Simple Steps to Prepare Your Furnace and Keep You Warm All Winter

Your furnace can keep you warm throughout winter. However, if you didn’t call a furnace service in Burbank, CA before the cold season comes, your home would feel like you’re in a freezer. Thankfully, there are simple steps you can do to ensure that the heating unit is ready for the wintertime.

Call Furnace Service in Burbank, CA

A furnace service includes a tune-up of your system. It’s a preventive heating service that ensures your house is as warm as possible during the colder season. An HVAC contractor will perform the following:

  • Inspect the vent system
  • Remove blockages
  • Check heat exchanger
  • Examine blower
  • Inspect electrical connections
  • Check the burner
  • Examine belts
  • Inspect thermostat
  • Check air filter, clean and replace it if necessary

These are just some of the things that furnace maintenance involves. But each task is vital to ensure that the heating system will work properly throughout winter.

Furnace Service Burbank CA

Replace Filters

The perfect time to replace indoor air filters is in the fall. However, replacing it is necessary according to the US Department of Energy. It’s an important task to make sure that the heating unit works efficiently. There are replacement filters at your local hardware. However, make sure that the filter is the same size as your current filter. Never use a filter that won’t fit properly in your system. Otherwise, you’ll only damage the entire system.

Here are the ways you can do to ensure you’re installing the proper air filter:

  • Filter. Look at the label of your existing filter and check the measurements.
  • MERV rating. The filter’s efficiency rating is known as the MERV rating. The higher the MERV number is, the better filtration it provides. However, too high a MERV filter can make your furnace and AC system work harder. The reason for this is that higher MERV means the air is more restricted causing the system to work harder. Thus, make sure to choose a filter with the right balance of airflow, energy efficiency, and air filtration.

Test the Furnace

Before the cold hits, make sure to test the furnace first. When you turn it on, listen to it. Does it produce abnormal sounds? Do you hear banging or rattling? If you do, then it’s a sign that something is wrong with the furnace. You should also check the thermostat. It makes sure that the unit is doing its job properly.

Remove the Clutter

Some objects in your house can cause a potential fire hazard when they are found near the heating unit. Make sure to remove them before you turn on your heating system. You should also test your carbon monoxide detector. It can detect CO leaks, which can be fatal.

Contact HVAC Contractor

Furnace service in Burbank, CA can make your system runs worry-free throughout the wintertime. Call us today to schedule your maintenance: (818) 722-8634