What are the Most Common Causes Homeowners Call for a Furnace Repair?

Furnace repair in Beverly Hills is a type of service that involves the repair and cleaning of the furnace. What it involves exactly depends on the type of furnace you have in your house. Often, homeowners don’t call for a furnace repair if they don’t see or hear signs of trouble. In this post, we’ll talk about the most common causes of furnace breakdown. 

Problems that Lead to Furnace Repair in Beverly Hills 

System Won’t Kick In 

Often, homeowners would make meaningless service calls to HVAC technicians because their furnace won’t kick in. When the technicians arrive, they find that the function isn’t switched on or the thermostat runs out of batteries. Thus, before you call in for a technician, make sure that the switch is on and the breaker isn’t tripped off. 

Not Blowing Warm Air 

The most common cause of this issue is a dirty air filter. According to Second Nature, “A dirty air filter is one of the most common reasons for HVAC system failure. A dirty filter restricts the air flow into your HVAC systems air handler. This restricted air flow places additional strain on the air handler fan motor and could, over time, burn out the motor and cause your system to overheat and ultimately fail.” Thus, don’t forget to replace your air filters regularly. 

Making a Noise 

Your furnace creates noise when it operates. However, if it makes cranking, grinding, hissing, whining, or pounding sound, you must not ignore it. If the filters are dirty, you may hear a banging sound. It can also be caused by the duct system that’s not sized properly. When you talk to an HVAC technician, you’ll be asked to describe the noise. The technician can tell you if the noise is harmless or it calls for a repair or inspection. 

Not Shutting Off 

If this is the case, you need to check the air filter. The furnace doesn’t shut off because it needs to run continuously to provide heat as the airflow is blocked. Another reason is that the thermostat is in the ON position. Talk to a technician to replace the control boards. Although you can buy the boards online, the quality may not be high. 

Smells Like Gas 

Natural gas doesn’t emit odor. If you’re using a furnace, make sure to have a carbon monoxide detector installed. In this way, any gas leak can be detected. If you smell gas, though, make sure to turn off the gas supply and immediately call a technician to investigate the matter. You should also call your gas provider to fix the issue. 

furnace repair Beverly Hills

Get Away from Costly Repair 

Most of these issues can be prevented if your furnace undergoes regular maintenance. Furnace repair in Beverly Hills is commonly caused by a lack of maintenance. If you don’t want to experience it, make sure to schedule an appointment today. Call us at (818) 722-8634

The Result of Lack of Furnace Maintenance

We don’t have to tell you the importance of a well-functioning heating system in Beverly Hills. This system is built to help you deal with harsh winters. You can even use it in spring. No matter what the brand of your heating unit is, it’s a vital component of your house to ensure that your family can get through the cooler months comfortably. However, this system requires proper maintenance. If you skip it, you’ll soon be paying for an expensive furnace repair in Beverly Hills

Furnace Repair in Beverly Hills Can Be Avoided 

Without proper maintenance, the heating system can break down. But if you don’t skip the recommended maintenance, our technicians can inspect, clean, and adjust the system. With regular maintenance, the system will operate properly at all times. Maintenance will also reduce natural wear and tear on the system. 

During winter, you don’t want to be sleeping in a cold room with no heat. You may try to call a professional to have the system repaired. But the cost of emergency repairs is high when you can avoid it through regular maintenance. 

Expensive Repair 

According to Homeadvisor, “An average furnace repair costs $307, or between $131 and $484. Electric furnaces can run $300 or less to repair. Gas furnace repairs range from $375 to $1,200 due to complexity.” Most of the heating repairs are preventable with routine maintenance. That’s why if you choose to maintain your heating system, you can avoid excessive repair. The reason for this is that during maintenance, our professional will check everything in the system. If our technicians find small repair needs, we will resolve them before they become worse. 

However, if you skip maintenance, those small repair needs will become bigger. And bigger issues can lead to expensive costs. Furthermore, the repair can also take time to finish because of the complex issue. But if you choose to have regular maintenance, repairing the system can take less than a day or an hour. 

Higher Utility Bills 

If your energy bills continue to go up every month even though your heating usage is the same, then it’s a sign you need to call furnace repair. Higher energy bills can mean that your home’s system isn’t working efficiently. Each year that your system doesn’t go without maintenance, it loses 5% of its efficiency. But if you perform regular maintenance, it maintains its original efficiency throughout its lifetime. 

furnace repair Beverly Hills

How to Avoid These Issues? 

Proper maintenance is vital. However, even with proper maintenance, furnace repair in Beverly Hills is still needed. If your heating system requires either maintenance or repair, please don’t hesitate to call our technicians at American Clean Air and Heating. We’re licensed and bonded unlike other professionals in LA. You may schedule repair service or request an estimate here (818) 722-8634


Do You Experience These Issues with Your Furnace?

Your furnace will encounter some issues throughout its lifespan. Some of them are minor while others require a furnace service in Los Angeles to resolve the problem. You may delay in fixing the problems but when the weather gets cold, your furnace won’t be there to give your home a comfortable temperature. Thus, when an issue arises, make sure to call an HVAC expert to schedule repair ASAP.

What are the Signs that Your System Needs Furnace Service in Los Angeles?

Insufficient Heat

The most obvious sign that you need a furnace service is that it’s not producing enough heat even though with proper thermostat settings. You should immediately call your preferred HVAC company to schedule repairs. One of the reasons for inadequate heat is leaking ductwork. Leaks cause treated air to escape.

Furnace Service Los Angeles

Carbon Monoxide Detector Goes Off

A carbon monoxide detector is attached to your furnace to detect the presence of this toxic gas. If it goes off, it can mean that this toxic gas has escaped from the container and it’s now present in the indoor air. For that reason, you must turn it off immediately. Then, make sure to ventilate your home by opening the windows. Contact an HVAC contractor to determine the source of the gas.

Unusual Smells

When you turn on your furnace for the first time in a year, it can smell like fuel. However, this odor dissipates after a few seconds. But if the smell doesn’t go away or if it appears suddenly, it’s a sign you have a furnace issue that must be addressed by an HVAC technician. There are several reasons for this issue to occur. It can be a gas leak or excessive dust in the unit. The only person who can determine the cause is an HVAC professional.

Persistent Noise

It’s true that when a furnace operates, you may hear a noise that comes out of it. However, the noise isn’t that loud. And if you’re hearing a loud, persistent noise coming from the furnace, it’s an indication that the furnace is facing a serious problem. Call an HVAC contractor right away. During the inspection, describe the sound you hear to the contractor. If it’s a squealing noise, it can be a fan issue. A banging sound may indicate a broken component.

Poor Air Quality

The heating system in your house can directly affect the quality of air in your home. If the system is poorly maintained, it distributes dirt, bacteria, and other foreign elements throughout your home. Thus, if you notice dust in the air and you experience frequent colds and coughs, then they are signs the air quality in your house is poor. This problem may be resolved by replacing the filter. But in more serious issues, the ductwork may require professional cleaning.

Repair Your Furnace Today

Don’t wait for too long before you call a furnace service in Los Angeles. Schedule your repair today at (818) 722-8634.

Simple Steps to Prepare Your Furnace and Keep You Warm All Winter

Your furnace can keep you warm throughout winter. However, if you didn’t call a furnace service in Burbank, CA before the cold season comes, your home would feel like you’re in a freezer. Thankfully, there are simple steps you can do to ensure that the heating unit is ready for the wintertime.

Call Furnace Service in Burbank, CA

A furnace service includes a tune-up of your system. It’s a preventive heating service that ensures your house is as warm as possible during the colder season. An HVAC contractor will perform the following:

  • Inspect the vent system
  • Remove blockages
  • Check heat exchanger
  • Examine blower
  • Inspect electrical connections
  • Check the burner
  • Examine belts
  • Inspect thermostat
  • Check air filter, clean and replace it if necessary

These are just some of the things that furnace maintenance involves. But each task is vital to ensure that the heating system will work properly throughout winter.

Furnace Service Burbank CA

Replace Filters

The perfect time to replace indoor air filters is in the fall. However, replacing it is necessary according to the US Department of Energy. It’s an important task to make sure that the heating unit works efficiently. There are replacement filters at your local hardware. However, make sure that the filter is the same size as your current filter. Never use a filter that won’t fit properly in your system. Otherwise, you’ll only damage the entire system.

Here are the ways you can do to ensure you’re installing the proper air filter:

  • Filter. Look at the label of your existing filter and check the measurements.
  • MERV rating. The filter’s efficiency rating is known as the MERV rating. The higher the MERV number is, the better filtration it provides. However, too high a MERV filter can make your furnace and AC system work harder. The reason for this is that higher MERV means the air is more restricted causing the system to work harder. Thus, make sure to choose a filter with the right balance of airflow, energy efficiency, and air filtration.

Test the Furnace

Before the cold hits, make sure to test the furnace first. When you turn it on, listen to it. Does it produce abnormal sounds? Do you hear banging or rattling? If you do, then it’s a sign that something is wrong with the furnace. You should also check the thermostat. It makes sure that the unit is doing its job properly.

Remove the Clutter

Some objects in your house can cause a potential fire hazard when they are found near the heating unit. Make sure to remove them before you turn on your heating system. You should also test your carbon monoxide detector. It can detect CO leaks, which can be fatal.

Contact HVAC Contractor

Furnace service in Burbank, CA can make your system runs worry-free throughout the wintertime. Call us today to schedule your maintenance: (818) 722-8634

Is Heating Maintenance Plan Worth It? (Or Should You Skip)

Yes, the Glendale heating maintenance plan is worth every penny. The reason for this is that it helps you prevent costly repairs in the future. The benefits of it can be worth the cost because its goal is to protect your home from any unexpected repairs and replacements.

What Does Glendale Heating Maintenance Plan Include?

After getting a new HVAC system, you may be offered a service contract. This contract is an agreement where you pay a fee to get ongoing HVAC services from the service provider. But what are the services included in the plan?

  • Tune-ups
  • Seasonal maintenance
  • Parts and services
  • Priority treatment
  • Checkups

The services included will depend on the provider.

Glendale Heating

Why Do You Need Heating Maintenance?

The maintenance will ensure that you get seasonal and yearly tune-ups and check-ups. These services are needed to keep you and your family toasty warm in the winter. Heating maintenance is the best way to prevent any heating issues to occur. Allowing professionals to inspect the system regularly will help find a small issue before it gets severe. Regular cleaning ensures that you and your family have a healthier environment. Here are the main benefits of signing up for heating maintenance:

  • Prevent breakdown
  • Replace dirty filters
  • Maintain an energy-efficient system
  • Find small issues before they blow up

Does it Cost More Than Repairs?

One of the reasons many homeowners skip heating maintenance is the cost. Depending on the services included in the plan, the cost can go from $150 to $500 a year. It’s easy to see why homeowners would wait for their heating system breaks down before they call a maintenance service or repair.

However, if you have a new heating system, you must remember that you will risk losing the warranty if you fail to follow a maintenance procedure. Many manufacturers of an HVAC unit require a maintenance service contract as a term of the warranty. Thus, before you skip this service, you need to read the fine print. Otherwise, you may lose the warranty and risk spending more on costly heating repairs.

But before you even buy a service contract, you need to check the company’s reputation before signing. You should only sign up for a maintenance service contract being offered by a trustworthy company. You can easily review the company’s reputation by reading its reviews online. Even if the company has positive reviews, you still need to verify the company’s reputation by asking plenty of questions. This will ensure that it has the right equipment to perform maintenance tasks properly.

Should You Obtain a Heating Maintenance Plan?

Yes, you should. It’s like having insurance. Although there’s no guarantee that you’ll be using all of the services included in the plan, you’ll be relieved knowing that it’s there when you need it. To know more about the Glendale heating maintenance plan, please call American Clean Air and Heating today at (818) 722-8634.

Do I need Furnace Service Every Year?

Whether you like it or not, you would need furnace service in Los Angeles every year. You may be surprised but it has to happen to ensure that the system works properly when you need it most — in the winter. Keep in mind that when the damp winter months arrive in LA, you will be busy looking for ways to stay warm. And if you can’t trust your furnace, then you won’t be comfortable in your home.

Issues When You Don’t Use Furnace Service in Los Angeles Every Year

Dirty Filters

A clogged-up filter can cause issues with your heating system because it forces the furnace to work harder than it should just to keep you warm at home. Because it works harder, it can break down sooner. When you call in for furnace service, the technicians will change up the filter. American Clean Air and Heating offers a worry-free maintenance plan and it includes regular filter changes.

Furnace Service Los Angeles

Cracked Heat Exchanger

It’s a dangerous issue if you don’t service your gas furnace every year. The heat exchanger is prone to crack. If that happens, it could leak toxins, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxide. When you inhale them in large quantities, they could endanger your and your family’s health. This problem typically arises when the filter is clogged as it restricts airflow. However, other problems may also cause it. If your furnace is serviced regularly, this problem won’t arise. During furnace service, the technicians will inspect the heat exchanger and make sure that there are no cracks in it.

Health Issues

The furnace should distribute clean, warm air. But if you’re breathing dirty air, it can cause a variety of health issues. Unfortunately, if you are prone to asthma, allergies, and other breathing problems, dirty air can inflame your lungs and trigger an allergy attack. But if you have it serviced every year, your furnace will be clean, allowing it to distribute clean indoor air that’s safe for you and your family.

Insufficient Warm Air

It’s a common issue experienced by a furnace that’s not properly maintained. If it’s not cleaned properly, your furnace won’t provide the warm air that you need for your home this winter.

When is the Best Time to Hire Furnace Service?

Furnace service is crucial to keep you warm in winter. But when is the best time to have it serviced? The most appropriate time is before the winter to ensure that the filter is clean, so it’s free of any dirt, dander, and other particulate matters. Furthermore, the technicians will inspect the furnace to find issues that can become too big to manage later on. Although furnace service is necessary once a year, you can have it cleaned and maintained twice a year. That is, after the winter, you may choose a furnace service to clean everything that has accumulated in the furnace over the winter.

Call a Furnace Technicians

Cleaning the furnace requires the expertise of a professional. To hire a furnace service in Los Angeles, call our top-rated air and heating company at (818) 722-8634.

Who Can Repair Heating in Long Beach?

Any company that offers air and heating repair service can fix your heating system. Unfortunately, not all Long Beach heating repair companies offer the best options for homeowners. For that reason, we’ve highlighted the tips below on how to pick the right technician to repair your heating system.

Tips to Consider Before Hiring a Long Beach Heating Repair Company or Technician

Know More About Your Heater

You don’t have to enroll in a class just to get a complete knowledge of your heater. However, you need to know the basic details of your heating system. These details would include brand, model, and maintenance history. They are vital because technicians will ask you about these when you call them in. Being familiar with your heating unit will also help you easily diagnose small issues. Yes, there are issues that your heating system may experience, which don’t require a technician. However, it is important to remember that you only repair it if the problem is not tricky. If it requires that you open the unit and expose its internal components, then it means you have to contact a reliable heating repair company or technician.

Long Beach Heating Repair

Ask for Recommendations

Your friends, colleagues, and family members might know of a reliable company that offers heating repair. Or you can search for such a company online by reading reviews and ratings. Make sure to read the reviews of the company’s actual customers to get a feel of what your experience will be like when you hire it. Before you decide which company to hire to repair your heating system, make sure to review up to three technicians. Compare their services and costs before finding the most suitable one.

Choose the Company with the Most Experience

Although you should not dismiss a company with only one year of experience, an experienced company or technician can provide you with better services. When perusing one company from another, you need to uncover the basic details, such as its area of expertise and how long it has been in the business. It’s great if the company that has worked on a heating unit that’s similar to yours. In that way, you can be sure that it can completely repair your heater with no difficulty.

Opt for Licensed and Insured

The license and insurance can make a huge difference. Keep in mind that repairing your heating unit can be tricky. If the technician is injured while working on it, you might be liable for his injury if the repairman doesn’t have a license or insurance. Even though the technician can show you the license or insurance, make sure that it’s active.

Know the Repair Cost

Any reliable heating repair technician can give you a proper estimate on how much it will cost to repair your unit. Make sure that the estimate includes the labor and material costs. You must not pick a technician that offers the cheapest quote. The reason for this is that it’s likely the technician is still new or unskilled.

Who To Call?

To save you from trouble, you may dial this number if you are looking for a reliable Long Beach heating repair technician: (818) 722-8634.

Is AC Repair Tax Deductible?

AC repair in Los Angeles can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the severity of the damage. That’s why many of our clients in LA are wondering whether they can deduct the repair expenses from their taxes.

Can You Claim AC Repair on Taxes?

Unfortunately, AC repair is a form of home improvement, which isn’t considered tax-deductible by the IRS. But new AC installation may increase your home’s basis, which is the value of your home for your tax purposes. Home’s basis starts with the money you paid initially for purchasing the house and it’s adjusted over time through valuable reductions and increases.

Home improvement is one of the ways to increase your home basis. Anything that can add value to your home’s worth. A new AC system, for instance, can add value to your home. Thus, it increases its basis, which can decrease the amount you need to pay for certain taxes.

AC Repair Los Angeles

Doesn’t AC Repair in Los Angeles Add Value to the Home?

The repair cost can’t be added to the basis. It means that repairing your gutter, painting a room, or replacing your windows won’t be added to your basis. Previously, homeowners saved receipts for expenses that could qualify as an improvement. Every dollar spent can be added to the basis, thereby, reducing how much IRS could tax if the house was sold. However, home-sale profits are already tax-free. Thus, tracking your basis might not pay off.

Why Bother Repairing Your AC If It’s Not Tax-Deductible?

An air conditioning system can give you a comfortable indoor temperature. For one, it reduces high humidity. With AC, your home is less damp, thereby, keeping you healthy. High humidity is bad for your health because it encourages the growth of dust mites and mold. It also causes heatstroke and dehydration.

Another benefit of having an AC at home is that it reduces asthma attacks. If you or one of your family members suffers from asthma, your air conditioning system can reduce the chances of asthma because it filters dirty air. However, you must change your air filters. If you don’t, pollutants and allergens will just accumulate in the air filter and are recirculated into your home. Make sure to change your air filters every 30 days, depending on what’s written in the user’s manual.

Does AC Repair Improve Air Quality?

Having air conditioning at home can improve indoor air quality. However, if it’s malfunctioning, it can’t provide proper ventilation. Once AC repair is properly done, your AC will start to improve your house’s ventilation while controlling the temperature of your house. But don’t wait until you experience signs of AC breakdown to call our AC specialists. AC repair can be expensive, depending on how severe the issue is. However, you can protect yourself from exorbitant AC repair expenses by choosing to maintain your AC regularly. If it has been a long time since your AC has undergone professional maintenance, then be ready to pay for the cost of AC repair in Los Angeles. But to avoid any major AC repair, call us today so we can schedule maintenance to your air conditioning system: (818) 722-8634.

Unusual Smell Coming from Your AC

An AC repair in Los Angeles is necessary. Your AC may need it once in a while. But you don’t need it often if it’s regularly maintained. However, there are signs you must be aware of so you can call an AC specialist to check on the unit before it’s too late. One of those signs is an unusual smell. Of course, you won’t know that the smell is coming from your AC unit. It can be coming from other parts of your house. However, if you smell as if there’s an internal combustion engine in your house, then it’s a sure sign it’s from your air conditioning unit. It’s a serious sign that you need to call an AC repair team.

Smells Like a Running Car Exhaust Needs an AC Repair in Los Angeles

Because your air conditioning isn’t running on an internal combustion engine, it should not produce a smell like running car exhaust. But because your AC uses fluids, it can sometimes smell like exhaust fumes. And if that happens, you may need to hire a professional to check on it and repair it if necessary.

AC repair Los Angeles

A Refrigerant Issue

Typically, if you smell an exhaust fume from your AC, it can be caused by a refrigerant leak. It gives you cool air. If it leaks, it can negatively affect your AC’s performance. But that’s not the only issue you need to face. It can leak hazardous chemicals too.

One of the most commonly used refrigerants is freon. It absorbs heat from the indoor air before releasing it outside. But if it leaks out, it can be dangerous to the environment. For that reason, you must contact an AC repair specialist to fix the leak.

Smells Like Burning Gunpowder

If your air conditioner starts to smell like burning plastic or gunpowder, it can mean that one of the unit’s components is burning. This is a serious issue and you need to call an AC repair specialist immediately. But first, you need to turn off the AC.

However, it may not be the wire is burning. Rather, it can be that dust settles in the unit after a period of inactivity. When you turn the unit on, the dust burns off, thereby, emitting a bad smell. This situation is temporary. The smell should be gone after a few seconds or minutes. If not, you need to call our AC repair specialist right away.

Rotten Egg Smell

Believe us when we say you don’t want to experience your AC emitting a foul, rotten egg smell. One reason for this issue is that there are dead insects stuck in the AC. These dying animals or insects can release an unpleasant smell. This is temporary. You just need to eliminate the culprit and the smell should be gone. But what if it doesn’t? What if you continue to smell rotten eggs coming from your AC? If that’s the case, you need to call our AC repair in Los Angeles to look into this matter. Schedule an appointment today at (818) 722-8634.

Taking Care of Your Air Conditioning System to Prevent a Break Down

Your air conditioning unit is a vital appliance in your house. It’s especially true during summer. Unfortunately, an AC can break down without proper maintenance. And even if it’s properly maintained, it can still break down for some reason. If that happens, you need to find a reliable AC service “near me” on Google.

Searching the Most Reliable AC Service “Near Me”

When you search today for the nearest reliable AC service on Google, you likely need a specialist to examine your air conditioner ASAP. It can be that you’re sitting on your couch, wondering why your AC isn’t blowing cold air. Whatever your reason for finding an AC service, American Cool and Heat got you covered.

Need Maintenance?

As an owner of an air conditioner, you need to take care of it. Ask yourself this: when was the last time you call our AC maintenance specialists? Did you even check your air filter today? Proper maintenance is vital to ensure that your air conditioner will function properly every time you switch it on.

Checking and cleaning its air filter is necessary to maintain the AC in tip-top shape. But it still needs to be professionally cleaned once or twice a year. And this is where our AC specialists become useful. Our team uses the right equipment to diagnose your AC and find out if the filter needs replacement or just professional cleaning.

AC service near me

Repairing Unit Issues

There are several signs that your air conditioner is struggling to cool down your house. Some of these signs include bad airflow, odd sounds, insufficient cooling, leaking moisture, and unusual odors. All of these are signs that you need to look for an AC service to repair.

One AC issue could mean several things. For instance, if you smell an unusual odor coming from the unit, it could mean that the air filter needs cleaning or replacement. But it could also mean that the AC has a wiring problem. Or some parts of it are clogged. Unfortunately, some of these signs are unrecognizable.

Hire a Professional AC Technician

To make sure that your air conditioner won’t break down at the most inconvenient time, you need to schedule regular maintenance. It’s the best way to ensure that it’s going to run efficiently. It also improves the unit’s performance and effectiveness. Furthermore, regular maintenance reduces the overall cost of operating your AC. Apart from improving the air quality in your home, proper maintenance will prevent expensive repairs in the future. Although your AC may still encounter issues despite it being properly maintained, the issues can be easily fixed. In that case, you won’t be sitting on your couch, sweating profusely while you wait for our technicians to visit your house and repair your air conditioner. At American Cool and Heat, we make sure that your house is comfortable to live in. Please save our number so you don’t have to search for “AC service near me” again if your air conditioner faces another issue. Or call us today at (818) 722-8634.